Yesterday’s Fight Night brought out a good range of fighters for this notorious contest. Once again, a good mix of old faces and new showed up to participate. The ancient and notorious Gutterblood Spoonhammer joined the bloodfest, arming himself with nothing more than the basic clobberin’ stick! Employing some old school tactics and weaponry, the old ghoul faced off against two deadly adversaries, Aki Shichiroji and Aposiopesis Fullstop. At first, it looked like the two women would once again focus on defeating each other while Gutterblood kept his distance. That wasn’t the case, because Aki and Apo took turns chasing the crafty creature around the spikes and sawblades of the deadly Potato Farm arena. Surprisingly, Gutterblood resorted to a risky strategy called the Hooper Gambit (named after the evasive and gas-trap addicted Ridley Hooper, an old veteran of many Fight Nights).

The Hooper Gambit involves endurance and a lot of luck when a fighter decides to run it. Racing from one gas trap to another, the gambler crosses his fingers to trigger the healing fumes released from the device instead of the nasty poison gas. The chances are 50/50 and a fighter is just as likely to gain multiple doses of poison as healing! Often times, the gambit pays off but we’ve seen it fail just as easily when the poison proves too much for the fighter or they’re running of the gambit is disrupted by their adversary.
Nonetheless, the Hooper Gambit served Gutterblood well, defeating Aposiopesis and finally Aki, in order to secure his victory.
((Fight Night Results may be picked up in-world at the PA Press bulletin board in the Wastelands. Fight Night is held at the Potato Farm every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at 3PM PDT.))