It was Ladies’ Night at Fight Night this time! The deadly women of the Wastelands eliminated all of the males in the first round! The finalists for this Fight Night were Moondoggie Iger (3rd), Aposiopesis Fullstop (2nd), and Oku Ghost (1st). Fighters were pitted against each other via the Point System this week and matches were as follows:
Round One:
Combatants | Weapons | Map | Winner |
Remarks: Rohan spent most of the fight running from and avoiding Moondoggie. Then, he was running briefly while on fire from NeoBokrug’s flaming grenades when the Tin Man and the spectators grew weary of the constant retreat from the fight. The Lesson: Fight Night is for Fighting.
Remarks: A vicious toe-to-toe fight of hacking and slashing.
Remarks: Fire! Burning! Poison and more fire! A tough battle but too many traps were tripped by a smoking Smokey to give KittyKat the victory.
Remarks: The two fighters traded in brutal attacks until Void took a chance but the Hooper Gambit didn’t turn to his favor.
Round Two:
Remarks: The ladies got sawed up a bit but Apo won in the end.
Final Round:
Remarks: A fierce fight among this vicious trio of Wastelander women. Oku Ghost persevered until the end to claim first place! Congratulations!
(( Fight Night runs every Saturday of the month at The Potato Farm, Hambone Slash, in The Wastelands, 3PM PDT. The above photo and other Wasteland event photos are available here – S.K.))