Community Meeting: August 3, 2024

Below is a short summary of the latest Community Meeting, followed by its chat logs – which have been gently edited for formatting, to put questions and answers in bold for easy skimming, and to omit greetings and farewells and other such asides.  Meetings are hosted by Estate owner NeoBokrug Elytis at 2:00 pm on the first Saturday of every month at The Potato Farm in The Wastelands, and the discussion is typically divided into three main topics: Estate, Game, and Roleplay & Events.  Everyone is welcome to attend!


➳ Occupancy is down significantly grid-wide, including in The Wastelands, as RL kicks everyone in the face.
➳ Some plots are being picked up recently, and Neo also has some contingency plans if the lower occupancy becomes an issue.
➳ Not a lot of updates in general due to Neo (and Apo) geting Covid at the start of July. Avoid that; it is unpleasant.
➳ Neo is still working on the Northgate Community Gateway; some code he’s made for Caledon is being applied.
➳Physically Based Rendering (PBR) is finally out on both the vanilla and Firestorm viewers!
➳ It’s not yet mandatory on viewers, but any hardware from the last decade should be able to run it – though you may have to adjust your settings to some degree to suit your preference.
➳ Neo will be contacting Gutter to make new PBR land textures.
➳ LL may also introduce a feature that can make prim textures blend with the land better, inheriting their materials.
➳ Neo’s also adding and tweaking region sounds.


➳ The Joon Buzzard Hunt winner was Myotis Draconia, with Chaeli in 2nd Place and Drifter in 3rd!
➳ Not much development, what with The Covids, but a lot of conceptualizing for future updates.The Northgate “ghosts” use some of Neo’s new navigation code, featuring a function the Miasma doesn’t have yet. He still intends to add that navigation code.
➳ The Dune Trapper is still in the shop.
➳ Neo is investigating the inconsistent falling damage.
➳ Caledon may get a modified version of the Potion Quest.
➳ Aeg’s Potion Quest may return soon – and he still seeks new locations! If you’re a landowner and you’d like your location to be part of the task, see the relevant page of the Wiki for more details!


➳ To help showcase the new Mobile Viewer, LL has asked Neo to put together an event!  Expect an all day Mobile Viewer Release Party on Saturday the 31st, featuring performers from both Caledon and The Wastelands!
The Rondyvoo, an all-day mostly-in-character trading festival, is returning in early September – likely the 14th. If you’d like a booth, or have an event idea, contact Apo!
Pizza Day was a lazy and delicious success!  Thank you to all the Movie Marathon hosts, and everyone who attended and shared their pizza-pics!
➳ Neo seeks someone with their pulse on large events across the Grid to help identify things The Wastelands could be part of.  Pale has volunteered!
➳ Neo intends to advertise The Wastelands (and Caledon) at various places in SL.  Suggestions welcome – may be Adult regions, but not focused on adult entertainment.
Pale hopes to host a movie at his church in The Junkyard sometime this month.
➳ Dassina may host some Fight Nights in the future.
➳ Dass also intends to host RP trade events at the Quick-Halt on occasional Sundays.
➳ Apo aims to supplant the occasional Apo’s Audio Atrocities DJ set with Wasted Karaoke.
➳ Want to learn to DJ?  Apo‘s written a notecard that may help – but it needs testers. Contact her for a copy.
➳ Reminder: The roleplay character template has been added to the Wiki – add yours today!  Or review it to see who’s who and get some ideas for interactions.

Weekly Event Summary:

(All Times SLT)


– Storytime with Wasteland Drifter – 2pm
– Gomi’s Garbo Cinematic Expulsion – 5pm

First Sunday: [RP] Readings by the Oracle – Noon


– Mutant Drum Circle – 6pm


– Film Night with Wasteland Drifter – 5pm




– Unstructured Playtime w/ Dia – 5pm
– Booze & Blather [RP Event] – 6pm


– Sandling’s Evening Madness – 1pm
– Apo’s Audio Atrocities – 5pm

First Saturday: Community Meeting – 2pm; Fight Night – 3pm

Second Saturday: Barrelhead Bazaar [RP Event] – 11am

Third Saturday: Wasted Raiders’ Raid – Noon

Occasional Saturdays at Neo’s Discretion:  Saturday Morning Cartoons / Saturday Morning Sci-Fi – 8am, Enjoying Other People’s Suffering – 3pm.

Occasional Saturdays at Apo’s Discretion:  Wasted Karaoke – 4pm.

Want to host an event?  Let Neo know the event details by Wednesday night and he’ll add it to the weekly group announcements, Discord announcement, and Plurk feed!

If you want to keep in touch with other Wastelanders when you can’t be inworld, our Discord server is now public! The Unbridled Rage greeter bot can give a link.


NeoBokrug Elytis: IT’S… TIME.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Time?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Good afternoon everyone! As per the usual — we’ll discuss different aspects of The Wastelands such as Estate & Land, The Game, and Roleplay & Events; with time for questions and comments after each section.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Starting with estate and land… Summer sure has hit Second Life as a whole square in the nuts. Occupancy is way down across not just The Wastelands, but all of SL. I’ve reached out to a few communities, followed up on concurrency rates, and even watching estates shed regions left and right.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Linden Lab had their SL21 Birthday event, and that sure sucked up a lot of… events and activity times. Most folks spent time there I think.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Despite occupancy cratering, I think that things will pick up. This past week I’ve had a few parcel get scooped up — where we were doing nothing but losing parcels all last month.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): :(
NeoBokrug Elytis: Speaking of last month, there was not a community meeting because we got the ‘rona.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I do not recommend it.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): 10/10 unrecommended on Yelp!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Never had it before, we’ve done a great job at avoiding it. Now we’re negative, and we’re mostly better now. I’d say 90%. I do not like being tired, or the sudden coughing.
Jackson Drechsler: I’ glad you’re better
Kozav: I love the booksx
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): The aches for me were the worst, like I got hit by a damn 86 Chevy S10 going 95 mph.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Sudden coughing and being tired is my daily existence. Sorry to hear you’re still dealing with it.
NeoBokrug Elytis: The first two weeks were pretty much do nothing but maintain weeks for me. These past 2 weeks have been maintainance, and “do I have the energy to see this through”.
NeoBokrug Elytis: This year has been a hot shit show so far for me personally, just one thing after another non-stop outside of SL. But I’m keeping the plates spinning here at least. So before I move on to game stuff, does anyone have any questions or comments about estate and land things?
Candide LeMay: is caledon also down?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: What’s the latest on Northgate?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes.
Tristan Kuramoto: Dang forgot about northgate haha
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have been picking at northgate as best as I can this past week and a half.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I need to show progress, and tonight and Sunday are going to get a lot of work, then skip monday and tuesday, then back to the grind.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Forunately some work I’ve done for Caledon translates directly to progress on Northgate, it’ll just need minor tweaks.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Thats rather advantageous it sounds like.
Sandling Honey: Thankiees :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: Moving on to game stuff:


NeoBokrug Elytis: I ain’t done nothing except think of high concepts for future things. I hope you all understand with how the past few months have been.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I did work for the JOON Buzzard Hunt, and Irk says:
NeoBokrug Elytis: Hello Wastelanders, now that it’s August I can announce the winners of this years Joon Buzzard Hunt. Thanks to all the bird murders who took part!

Winner! Myotis Draconia with 16 kills
2nd Place: Chaelii with 8 kills
3rd Place: wasteland drifter 7 kills

I will hand out money and trophies to winners when I see them next, which I hope is soon. I’m sorry for the delay, congratulations to the winners!
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): oh shit
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Oh wow
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): lmao
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): I didn’t know I placed
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Woo Mayo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I’ll send a proper notice out later tonight, and I will pick a random person from those who killed 3 or more buzzards for their free plot.
Tristan Kuramoto: woo
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): i thought 16 were low
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): compared to my nearly 100 kills last time
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): damn!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Remind me not to fuck with you…
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): LOL
Aposiopesis Fullstop: :D
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): i thought i was really lazy this year tho
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think the low number wins, are reflective of how utterly overbusy people are this year. It is my personal opinion based on interactions with folks all over SL, that we’re all scrambling to just exist in meat space.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): true uwu
NeoBokrug Elytis: Which I don’t fault them, at all. I just wish we all didn’t have to be in that position.
Tristan Kuramoto: October should be the return
Verity Goodnight: I remembered it was happening this year! But lol my laptop is getting to the stage where SL is really slow
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Not to mention the price of everything, we have less time to dedicate to anything other than work :(
NeoBokrug Elytis: Ideally.
NeoBokrug Elytis: First life is punching everyone in the junk.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Jokes on you, I lost mine in Nam.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Fall is usually a good time for SL. Folks come back from vacations, spend more time indoors, and more time in SL. I don’t know that we’ll recover all the occupancy lost, but I have a few contingency plans.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): this tune reminds me of Bartertown in mad Max 3
NeoBokrug Elytis: haha yeah Mayo
The Pale One (palegreysky): Does the contingency plan just involve me renting half the junkyard
NeoBokrug Elytis: Thanks for the tunes by the way Sandling.
Sandling Honey: Most welcome! :D
Tristan Kuramoto: this is a good tune
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I doubt anyone would stop you!
Tristan Kuramoto: Who run Barter Town?
NeoBokrug Elytis: This month, I hope to bring back the potion quest for Aeg. As a reminder, if you’re a resident who’s had a home for a while, you can have your location be part of the potion quest. Let me pull up the wiki article with the details about that.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Ooh, yes, I should do that…
NeoBokrug Elytis:
NeoBokrug Elytis: The last section on that page details how.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Oooohhhhh
NeoBokrug Elytis: The potion quest code will probably get some updates, becaus I am going to use it for Caledon to bring back the Caledon quest.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Can we mug the people that come to the parcel for the quest? >:)
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha no. Try to be nice. It is an exploration quest for new folks.
Tristan Kuramoto: lol
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): LOL
Candide LeMay: that’s aeg’s jorb
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Tried so hard, and got so faaaar
The Pale One (palegreysky): But in the end, Neo told me to get fuuuuuuuuuuucked
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): ^
NeoBokrug Elytis: And just to be clear, you gotta be okay with folks coming on your land, don’t use it to bait folks to mug ’em. I can just as swiftly remove the location from the quest.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): I’m teasin’ I swear it on my bananas.
Dassina Andel: Damn people always rooting through my trash…
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is my understanding that the Caledon Quest isn’t as flexible as the potion quest is, and since they need something more flexible, I am going to gift them the system after some tune-ups.
NeoBokrug Elytis: That’s really about it for game stuff. Any questions?
Dassina Andel: Is falling damage fix in the pipeline?
The Pale One (palegreysky): Do I have to have had my parcel for a year….straight….to become a location? :v
NeoBokrug Elytis: The wording is there to deter very new people who’ll leave in a week.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Because it takes effort for me to set up the locations, and I don’t want to waste my time.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Was gonna say, I fought a woman to get that parcel back. And she had hands big enough to palm a fucking buick.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So if you’ve been a regular of The Wastelands with no intention of moving for a while, let me know.
Tristan Kuramoto: any word on the sand trapper?
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Sand trapper?
NeoBokrug Elytis: And if you want to be part of that quest, you must do it a few times to get a feel of it.
Tristan Kuramoto: the sand trapper of the sand seas
NeoBokrug Elytis: Dass: Falling damage is inconsistent?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It mostly doesn’t happen, for over a year now.
Dassina Andel: Falling damage hasn’t worked in like… two years.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Buh?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: We have been telling you this…
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): TBH I hardly ever take any but I suspected it was bc I am always full on food.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Covid put holes in my brain.
Dassina Andel: I can consistently jump into the Fissure with no damage, but I get the message
NeoBokrug Elytis: Okay, I will see about that.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Ahh yes the ole swiss cheese brains.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I know where the fix is in the code.
Dassina Andel: I do remember, doing the potion quest, falling WILL still break the flask you’re carrying
NeoBokrug Elytis: Dass: Is it a certain hud dispenser, or all hud dispensers?
Dassina Andel: All of ’em.
NeoBokrug Elytis: k
NeoBokrug Elytis: I might do that tonight to put off the dread of the work I have a head. It is important to feel accomplished.
Dassina Andel: Trust me, to find the bugs. ;)
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): The bug huntress.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Lets move on to RP & Events. Before I open the floor I want to speak to a few things.


NeoBokrug Elytis: SL often has events where we can showcase the community. There is sometimes lots of notice, sometimes not. I didn’t have the capacity to organize anything for SL21B for The Wastelands. I was kind of drowning in RL and all the other projects. I was wondering if anyone wanted to volunteer to help me stay on these dates? Basically, you’d already be really good at following what SL is doing, and know their routine.
The Pale One (palegreysky): I can help with that.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh? I’d appreciate that a lot Pale.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I will poke you later on what I’d need most.
The Pale One (palegreysky): 10-4.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Can I watch you poke Pale? :V
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I’LL SEE MYSELF OUT.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hehehehe
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Don’t poke him too hard, his follow up to my linkin park reference was golden.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Man deserves a damn medal.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha!
The Pale One (palegreysky): Apo went from wanting to get in my bed to wanting to sit in the cuck chair
The Pale One (palegreysky): smh
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): The Cuckening.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Question: is it gay if it’s a robot
The Pale One (palegreysky): asking for a friend
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahahaha
NeoBokrug Elytis: Second. I am going to be advertising both Caledon and The Wastelands at locales in Second Life where I think it would be appropriate. I’ve already done my own scouting, but I also know you folks like to get around outside of The Wastelands too. If anyone has any ideas where there’s spaces that The Wastelands could promote itself inworld, please send me some IMs. My only limitation is that the places NOT be adult oriented. They CAN be on an adult region, but the focus of the venue should not be of adult nature.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): It required further experimentation.
The Pale One (palegreysky): If it requires “experimenting” it’s bi-curious at the least.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh man, I forgot something I meant to speak of the the Land & Estate section.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): So, no barnyard sex RP sims. Got it.
The Pale One (palegreysky): That’s the only other place I hang out. Fuck.
NeoBokrug Elytis: PBR. It is officially here. Where I can I will be updating content to PBR. I am going to speak to Gutter to ask him to give us new land PBR textures.
Sandling Honey: Hell yeah
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hooray!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): \o/
NeoBokrug Elytis: So, once we’ve got a nice set of land textures, I’ll make them available. I do know that land PBR textuers are still getting some tweaks.
Sandling Honey: I read that LL is also experimenting with the concept to allow prims to be ‘part of the land’ or something?
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): I mean I’m more of a Modelo man myself but Yayy beer!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Send me a link for that Sandling?
Dassina Andel: Was just gonna ask if residents would get a copies of those textures, for building purposes.
NeoBokrug Elytis: This past year has been really distracting for me, and I have not been able to attend any of the normal meetings I attend.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): You carry a lot of weight as is man, you’re doing great.
Sandling Honey: Sure, I read it from Inara Pey’s latest summary. I might have misunderstood the technicalities though, but you’ll know better
Sandling Honey:
Candide LeMay: they are working on a way to control the blending of the 4 land materials besides/instead of the height intervals. there will be some sort of blending map
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, I made a JIRA for that forever ago Candide.
NeoBokrug Elytis: THen I imported it to the new JIRA system.
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Inara Pey… was she part of InSilico? That name sounds really familiar.
Sandling Honey: “Much longer term options being considered for this capability might be to:
Allow prims to act as part of the terrain, inheriting the materials of the terrain, whilst still allowing the prim to be sized and shaped.”
NeoBokrug Elytis: That’d be great Sandling.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I am looking forward to that.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): I hope PBR viewers will not be mandatory some day
Sandling Honey: Part of their PBR Terrain painting upcoming updates etc
NeoBokrug Elytis: Another thing I Forgot about land and estate is region sounds. I have more of them and will be tweaking where I can.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Mayo, they may. But the requirements to run them should be systems of the last decade.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I know ideally things should be okay, but the rollout has been “okay’ at best.
NeoBokrug Elytis: There’s still some bugs they’re working out.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But generally, PBR viewers give you better FPS overall when they work.
Candide LeMay: a “business” laptop will no longer work for SL, you’ll need at least some basic gaming hw
NeoBokrug Elytis: Back to events.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): my Acer Nitro 5 refuses to display PBR lagfree
Candide LeMay: lag is your friend
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): Ah so you think the lag is your ally? You merely adapted to the lag, I was born in it, molded by it.
NeoBokrug Elytis: We’re going to be hosting a Moblie Viewer Party event thing. LL asked me to do something for them for both Caledon and The Wastelands, and I figure we can just have a half-day party or something. They let me know just as SL21B was starting, and I didn’t want to compete with the vents there, so I chose to wait until SL21B is over. I’ve already contacted a few regulars about playing for us, but I’ll be reaching out to more folks here soon.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooh!
Mad Lugnut (weedude12): That sounds fun.
Verity Goodnight: fancy
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oooh :o
NeoBokrug Elytis: Mayo, that is a great system. Can you force it to use the nvidia GPU?
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): yes
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): i think so
NeoBokrug Elytis: I’m rocking a 1070ti on my desktop, and my FPS is through the roof.
Candide LeMay: the mobile viewer is still gated behind premium accounts. it’s kinda too early to have a mobile viewer party
NeoBokrug Elytis: But as for the event, once this Wednsday rolls around I’ll start organizing stuff for that mobile viewer party. I know the mobile viewer is only for premium, and it is kind of MEH because of that, but SL wanted us to bring awareness to it.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): but also the pbr firestorm viewer removed some of my favorite features
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia):
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yup, they gutted the old code out for ALM. That is why it is faster.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hmmm, if it brings in a few then maybe it;ll be worth while and to get the news out
Cobalt (anathema.flasheart): I wonder if I can have both versions of firestorm installed at once and switch between them as needed
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think you can.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Maybe
Candide LeMay: you can until FS disables the login on the old versions
NeoBokrug Elytis: Or better yet just have vanilla SL viewer with PBR, and old firestorm.
Candide LeMay: but if you do, make them each use a separate cache
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): this laptop has a RTX 3060 in it idk how good it is
NeoBokrug Elytis: Should be far better than what I have.
Dassina Andel: Events question: Could I host another Fight Night sometime in the future? I’ve had some… ideas, a la Sandusky’s arenas. That, and some additional prizes I’d like to offer up that are not L$.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes.
Cobalt (anathema.flasheart): is vanilla SL finally catching up to firestorm?
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): but it gets pretty hot like a pizza oven
NeoBokrug Elytis: SL has eclipsed the firestorm viewer, but does not have all the firestorm comfort features.
The Pale One (palegreysky): …so the official viewer is actually better now?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): O_O
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): I always hated the official LL viewer
The Pale One (palegreysky): So why the fuck am I using firestorm
NeoBokrug Elytis: You’re just missing the comforts of area search and a few other things.
Candide LeMay: it seems to perform better for now, especially on macs
Cobalt (anathema.flasheart): well it has a lot of cool features you may take for granted
The Pale One (palegreysky): Oh
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hmmm
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): i need area search
The Pale One (palegreysky): nevermind, I use area search way too much
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha
Dassina Andel: Built-in HUDless AO for one thing…
The Pale One (palegreysky): Area search is how I steal people’s clothes without asking
NeoBokrug Elytis: If you have an idea for an event, but you don’t know how to execute an event — Apo and I can teach you how.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): Area search is for shops that have 1000+ vendors
NeoBokrug Elytis: Just IM us about it, we’ll help you make it happen.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Also that, Mayo
NeoBokrug Elytis: Speaking of events and role play, I am going to open up the floor for Events and RP discussion.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Tell us what you got planned this month.
Dassina Andel: “Just Say NO to Desblok…”
The Pale One (palegreysky): I plan on attempting to host a movie at the church sometime this month.
Dassina Andel: *Debslok
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Nothing THIS month, but next – probably September 14 – will be the Rondyvoo, an all-day in-character trading festival!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Dass: Aeg would agree.
Tristan Kuramoto: dang feels like that just happend
The Pale One (palegreysky): My work schedule is just more ass than the cover of a 2 Live Crew album.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: So if you’d like your character to have a booth to sell character-made goods or anything, please hit me up ASAP.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: (If we don’t have enough folks for the salvage auction this time, we might just not have one; it’s been a bit of a streeeetch last time…)
NeoBokrug Elytis: It’s fun. Maybe I’ll bring Scythejaw down to barter.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Awww, yay!
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): 🐗
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Scythejaw is very endearing.
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): This is true.
Dassina Andel: Occasionally on certain Sundays, I’ll be at the Quick-Halt for semi-RP events, geared towards trading/selling of WL game items, entitled appropriately, “Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today”
NeoBokrug Elytis: And if anyone wants hooks to talk to any regular Role-Players, we’ve got this fancy list of things that doesn’t give away too much info:
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha, niiiice.
The Pale One (palegreysky): >:C
NeoBokrug Elytis: Post it on Discord events Dass — Add [RP] to the title.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I’ll get on it Pale.
Dassina Andel: Will do, and I could assist with Wiki stuff, with Neo’s blessing, Pale.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I also plan to preempt or supplant some of my Saturday DJ sets – like tonight’s – with Wasted Karoke! I’m never really available on Fridays, and every other night is booked, so I might as well eat my own event to do something else ridiculous. :D
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Speaking of the wiki, can we update our character profile pictures?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: No fixed schedule or week of the month still.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Drifter: Yes.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Pizza day was fun!
The Pale One (palegreysky): It sure fucking was
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Also, as always, if anyone wants to get into the RP but wants some help making a character, hit me up and I’ll gladly help brainstorm and give some feedback!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh yes! That feels forever ago already; the brainholes….
NeoBokrug Elytis: Even if I felt like I ate too much pizza.
The Pale One (palegreysky): We need more full movie days.
Verity Goodnight: too much pizza?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Fight Night is next week, yeah, Neo?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah I got two large pizzas, and they don’t last long.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Sandusky is going to host a night Fight Night for us next week.
Vi̽ctor Cri̽ssi̽s Thane (vickycriss): I need to start practicing
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Wanna train someone Dass?
Dassina Andel: Heh, since I’m officially retired?
NeoBokrug Elytis: You’re the next Micky.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Also if anyone wants to learn how to DJ I can show them how.
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Maybe
Dassina Andel: These people all fight like bums.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Fight like, look like, smell like….
NeoBokrug Elytis: haha
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh yeah, and I’m also working on a notecard to explain how to DJ. So if someone wants to learn, and wants to see if that notecard actually helps before I put it out there as a “helpful resource,” that’d be swell.
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): I suppose it is part of my name, so to speak.
Dassina Andel: Unless there’s Free-For-All rounds, me officially participating in Fight Night is over. I got the hat.
The Pale One (palegreysky): I’ll proofread the NC
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Or does bum have a sedentary connotation?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: There is indeed said to be a difference between a hobo, a bum, and a tramp!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hobos travel to work, tramps travel but don’t work, and bums neither travel nor work, I think?
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think you are correct.
Dassina Andel:
Kozav: Ooo animal collective
NeoBokrug Elytis: Thanks again for the tunes Sandling, always appreciated.
Sandling Honey: Of course :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yar, thankye, Sandling!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): thanks Sandling!
Sandling Honey: \o/
Sandling Honey: Thank you :D
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): yw!
Beasil (beasil.roundfield): Wew