Below is a short summary of the latest Community Meeting, followed by its chat logs – which have been gently edited for formatting, to put questions and answers in bold for easy skimming, and to omit greetings and farewells and other such asides. Meetings are hosted by Estate owner NeoBokrug Elytis at 2:00 pm on the first Saturday of every month at The Potato Farm in The Wastelands, and the discussion is typically divided into three main topics: Estate, Game, and Roleplay & Events. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Other Estate Update!
➳ Neo has been entrusted with New Toulouse, a themed estate based on 1920’s New Orleans!
➳ One sim is based on New Orleans itself; the other is a bayou. Miss the swamp? This is close!
➳ Its two sims have been loosely connected to Caledon with an ocean OpenSim between them.
➳ Land sales are not yet public, but current residents of The Wastelands or Caledon can buy early.
➳ Occupancy is up a bit, as usually happens after the WL_B celebrations!
➳ The Wastelands was once again an Editor’s Pick in the Destination Guide that weekend.
➳ WL18B was promoted on the login screen all that weekend.
➳ Neo may use current textures as a base for PBR-based land textures soon.
➳ He’ll hold off on trying to fix the Estate Windlight cycle until LL’s PBR workflow stops changing.
➳ The annual parcel audit was delayed by New Toulouse work, but will be done ASAP.
➳ Neo will soon make a true Pay All tier payment panel, covering all parcels owned across the three estates.
➳ Many more Day 1 residents are seen in the estate, now that the Northgate Community Gateway is open!
➳ New residents can sign up for SL, and go directly to the Northgate, through
➳ Neo may also see about making The Wastelands one of the Welcome Hub communities.
➳ Neo is mulling over an expensive perk for joining through us: an exclusive last name.
➳ If it’s possible, there’ll be a poll for name suggestions and a vote-off to pick the winner.
➳ Know someone who wants to join SL, but has a bad computer? Browser-based client is in beta: if they can watch Netflix, they can use SL!
➳ Sandusky and Neo still need to collaborate to move cacti and dust devils to Cormac.
➳ Aeg’s Potion Quest still needs to be retooled to account for the lost regions.
Battle for Burnt Oak Brainstorming
➳ Another Battle For Burnt Oak was held during WL18B, and it was easy enough for Neo to redeploy.
➳ It may return as a monthly or seasonal event – possibly within a 3-5 week range, with the tree staying out for three days at most, or until defeated.
➳ Neo wants to change the pathing so the brambles and red roots don’t only climb the bowl.
➳ Five players will be recommended instead of four.
➳ He’ll look into why the hold-to-swing function sometimes stops working.
➳ Group chat could announce the tree more frequently than just at the start of the event.
➳ The Burnt Oak Tree might stay out much longer.
➳ Treesign could also be posted to the Discord on a dedicated channel
➳ Discussion of whether to contnue using the simplified special HUD or the regular game HUD
➳ Discussion of changing its rewards, potentially unique items, given based on damage done.
➳ Discussion of how to convey how much health the nodes and tree have left.
➳ This boss fight is also a test of Experience-based weapon attachment.
➳ Using Experience tools to attach weapons could also be used to make sure all Fight Night competitors have the same weapon (or don’t go in unarmed.)
➳ There may or may not be another Botan Bloodlust on February 14.
➳ Profound thanks to everyone who made WL18B possible!
➳ There may be another Steam Meets Scrap crossover event between The Wastelands and Caledon – now to include New Toulouse.
➳ At Booze & Blather, Drifter has been revealing what he used to do before he came to The Wastelands..
➳ Apo continues to be hallucinating intermittently.
➳ Bartleby the storyteller insists on leaving before Doktor Pileus shows up – but why?
➳ Reminder: The roleplay character template has been added to the Wiki – add yours today! Or review it to see who’s who and get some ideas for interactions.
Weekly Event Summary:
(All Times SLT)
– Storytime with Wasteland Drifter – 2pm
– Gomi’s Garbo Cinematic Expulsion – 5pm
Occasional Sundays at Dass’s Discretion: [RP] I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today Trade Event – 10am
Occasional Sundays at Maenas’ Discretion: [RP] Readings by the Oracle – Noon
– Mutant Drum Circle – 6pm
– Film Night with Wasteland Drifter – 5pm
– Unstructured Playtime w/ Dia – 5pm
– Booze & Blather [RP Event] – 6pm
– Sandling’s Evening Madness – 1pm
– Apo’s Audio Atrocities – 5pm
First Saturday: Community Meeting – 2pm; Fight Night – 3pm
Second Saturday: Barrelhead Bazaar [RP Event] – 11am
Third Saturday: Wasted Raiders’ Raid – Noon
Alternating Saturdays: Saturday Morning Cartoons or Saturday Morning Sci-Fi – 8am
Occasional Saturdays at Apo’s Discretion: Wasted Karaoke – 5pm.
Want to host an event? Let Neo know the event details by Wednesday night and he’ll add it to the weekly group announcements, Discord announcement, and Plurk feed!
If you want to keep in touch with other Wastelanders when you can’t be inworld, our Discord server is now public! The Unbridled Rage greeter bot can give a link.
NeoBokrug Elytis: IT’S… TIME.
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) shouts: wooo!
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): woot
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Hey Candide!
Candide LeMay waves
Sketchkat Blackflag: chicken :D
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa):
NeoBokrug Elytis: Good afternoon folks! I am … kind of maybe a little under the weather, so bear with me.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): hi chicken
Aposiopesis Fullstop gets the WD-40.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Lots to talk about today. We’ll start with estate stuff.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oh, not you too Neo :(
Peanut (peanut.salty): I will scrape the rust out of your grears
NeoBokrug Elytis: If you have questions or comments please wait until between the three big topics to ask.
Candide LeMay: i can tell that from the notecard you’ve just sent – “I spent the first 2 months of January….”
NeoBokrug Elytis: First big topic is Land & Estate.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Gosh.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Its going to be one of those days.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hah!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Time doesn’t matter.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): woah, a long time indeed
Sketchkat Blackflag: x,3
NeoBokrug Elytis: Okay.
Second Life: Your snapshot can now be viewed here.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): maybe it was groundhog day?
Sketchkat Blackflag: possibly Cindy :P
NeoBokrug Elytis: Occupancy in The Wastelands had a bit of a gain this past month! The big birthday celebration always draws in new folks.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: So we’ll see if they still love us in a month. :)
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): yay!
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): i could say things about warthog day .. but i do not want to hurt tays feelings
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): hee
NeoBokrug Elytis: The party is always exhausting, but it’s a big important thing for the estate. It helps bring awareness. I know we’re 18 not, but The Wastelands is always “new” to many visitors of the party.
NeoBokrug Elytis: This year we were an editors pick in the destination guide, and on the login screen during the party.
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ooooh!!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: :D
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): I did not know that!
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): oh very cool
NeoBokrug Elytis: See here.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): niice
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): you can tell by people dropping next to the bunker .. and than teleport away as soon as they see there is just ruins
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): omg wow!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Naw I saw a bunch wander around.
NeoBokrug Elytis: OH
NeoBokrug Elytis: That reminds me I need to remove something from the landing spot real quick.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I knew I’d forget.
Sandling Honey: landmines
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): glu trap
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): fireworks?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha no.
Candide LeMay: worse, land mimes
NeoBokrug Elytis: About half way through the first day I added a message that if anyone collided to let them know events were all over.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): will report chicken to genever due to inumane weapons
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): +h
NeoBokrug Elytis: You may or may not have just gotten the group notice I sent out a minute or two before this meeting.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Every january I usually do a big estate audit. That entails that I make sure the parcels are “correct” and get a fresh decoration cycle.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But this month, New Toulouse came under my care, and sort of derailed that. So i will be doing that ASAP.
Sketchkat Blackflag: :o
Candide LeMay: new toulouse has zombies that can kill you
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Good.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): most zombies can do that
NeoBokrug Elytis: One side effect of picking up New Toulouse is that it is reminding me that my tier system is 13+ years old now. It was originally build for just The Wastelands. But now it hosts Caledon and New Toulouse as well. Technically for you all, you’re fine. The tools and tier payment systems work as is. My back-end for it all is a bit messy. So one project I’ve thrown up on the whiteboard is updating it all.
NeoBokrug Elytis: At some point, I am going to restructure the database, but I will need to sit down and look at all the tools we have to make sure I don’t screw things up.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa):
NeoBokrug Elytis: But that’s probably for later in the year for sure.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I want to get some stuff for the three estates accomplished inworld, before I deep dive in to boring stuff.
Sketchkat Blackflag: 📌
Peanut (peanut.salty): I lov me some diddgeriedoo
NeoBokrug Elytis: Since there are three estates, I will be soon making a “PAY ALL FOR REAL” tier panel set of tools. Where it will make payments across all estates.
Sandling Honey: :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha
Sketchkat Blackflag: ooh
NeoBokrug Elytis: Because even with New Toulouse, we have wastelanders there, and caledonians there — even before I took over.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): good idea
NeoBokrug Elytis: And since I’m giving folks a first crack at land for the next week, we’re going to have more.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But I think that’s it for estate and land stuff for now. Any questions about any of that?
Peanut (peanut.salty): I love this album
Candide LeMay: how about gate of norths?
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): will there be more crossover events between the 3 estates as a whole?
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is public and open. The next thing I want to do with it is expand a bit to instruct folks about communication.
Candide LeMay: yes WL ghouls will moonlight as zombies at toulouse
Candide LeMay: are noobs coming through? are you keeping track?
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think there will be less crossover events overall just because of a lack of interest. But I am still going to post them for those who want them.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods
NeoBokrug Elytis: Noobs ARE coming through, but I don’t know if they are arriving from our CG. I have seen a sharp uptick of day 1 people these past couple months.
Sandling Honey: New people are delicious
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Seems likely, though!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh, and I may see if we can get The Wastelands in the Welcome Hub Communities. Caledon has been there a long time.
Candide LeMay: does LL send a fraction of new sign ups to NG or do they have to come through a specific url?
Sketchkat Blackflag: “choose your own adventure” sounds fun x3
NeoBokrug Elytis: They have to come through a specific URL:
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have a plan, but it costs $$$, and I am going to see about it this month. Because I want to be sure I can do it, before I drop three figures on it.
Sketchkat Blackflag inward-whistles
Candide LeMay: custom last name?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Heh, yeah
NeoBokrug Elytis: Once I get the thumbs up on that idea, I’ll poll everyone for suggestions, we’ll have a backet vote-off.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, that’s definitely something to research a lot.
Sketchkat Blackflag: will look forward to it ^^
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ahh
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have spoken to a linden about the gist of the idea, but i want to be 100% sure before I commit time beyond an idea about it.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Prudent.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): obviously Mutant .. there is no other option
Candide LeMay: do you have to roll a new account to get that name?
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hehe
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Sandworm maybe?
Candide LeMay: sandgunsky
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): pfff
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Rustmuncher.
Sketchkat Blackflag: Ironhide
Sandling Honey: Twonky
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any other questions about land and estate?
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Bogling
NeoBokrug Elytis: Moving on to The Game.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Irradiated
Sketchkat Blackflag: x3
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): Butterknife
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Meat
NeoBokrug Elytis: Sandusky and I still need to move the plants from the swamp to Cormac. I need to do some work on the potion quest to account for the lost regions. I can start working on some of that sooner than later.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): lets stop .. i think it is better if we just stop
Sketchkat Blackflag has praying hands for the mini-quests
Storm Thunders: full stop!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: :V
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): xD
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh. We had a Big Tree fight during WL18B, and it was relatively easy for me to deploy.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): it was also relativly easy to kill, cause we deployed a very OP feature .. teamwork
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
NeoBokrug Elytis: I may make it a once a month thing. I want to fix the pathing so things don’t ONLY climb the bowl. They’re not supposed to do that, so it makes some nodes harder to fight.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Fuck them nodes on the far side.
NeoBokrug Elytis: On the other hand, the intended fight as normal is just as hard, because the brambles do a lot more “random” wander.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think with a few changes, I could have it semi-automate, and stick around for a day, or until it is defeated. I would have to change and make new rewards.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: YAY!!!! \o/ NEW REWARDS!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Since it is our first raid-style boss fight, what do you guys think?
Sketchkat Blackflag: love it ♥ yes please
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): sounds good! :)
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It would make it more worth YOUR time to have it more than a couple times a year, yeah.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: And unique resources would make it more appealing to fight.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I am not going to change the requirements, but I am going to suggest 5 or more players.
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): sounds great
NeoBokrug Elytis: It can be done with 4, but it is a SLOG.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yar, four is… Not Fun.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): true
Storm Thunders: What about having two crates appear whenever it’s up?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Hah
Sketchkat Blackflag: lol
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): i would also suggest that it is obvious when it spawned in or better yet, when it will be despawning .. it is very fristrateing to gather people and when you just start it despawns
Sketchkat Blackflag: maybe it shouts across the estate?
Candide LeMay: yeah make it stick around for a day or two until it’s defeated
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have a kind of “grading” system in it. So it can distribute awards right.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Right now it sends to Ruin Nation group chat.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Scythejaw sends messages in Ruin Nation – but only when it starts.
Sketchkat Blackflag: yeah <:3
NeoBokrug Elytis: I can have it ost to discord as well.
Sketchkat Blackflag: oh yes please
Aposiopesis Fullstop: So if you see that there’s a tree there, but weren’t inworld to see the message, you’ve got no idea whether it’s worth bothering.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): ifyou log in after it spawned, there is no way of telling
NeoBokrug Elytis: Okay if it were to post to Group chat, how often do you want to be annoyed.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): discord sounds good
Storm Thunders: give it its own channel maybe?
NeoBokrug Elytis: We could just do what storm suggested.
Storm Thunders: those who don’t want it could mute that channel
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): good idea
NeoBokrug Elytis: Have an “Inworld Boss Fights” channel.
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): that great idea
Candide LeMay: maybe with needing to coordinate multiple people it would work best if it spawned at predetermined times … like first sunday of the month at 10am or whatever
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): mmh, just an idea, but maybe the sky changes, something of like an impending threat is made aware by something appearing before the tree appears….
Sketchkat Blackflag: discord relay from Scythejaw > own channel in discord
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Discord’s fine for those on Discord; Scythejaw sending additional messages at the half hour, hour, and 30-minutes-remaining points might help, so that people inworld also have access to information. Could Scythejaw be clicked on, inworld, to say something about how long?
Sketchkat Blackflag nods
NeoBokrug Elytis: No predetermined times. I can make it stay out a long time until it is defeated
Aposiopesis Fullstop: That’d be good; two hours is… just rough when it can take an hour to kill, and we also have to herd cats first.
Sketchkat Blackflag: huehuehue
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): meowmeowmeow
Sketchkat Blackflag: x3
NeoBokrug Elytis: I know it has a special HUD and all. What are your thoughts about the actual game HUD?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: In what regard?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Instead of the special HUD?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh. It depends. Is the special HUD what keeps us from dealing friendly fire?
Sketchkat Blackflag: ^ this
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yah
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Then no.
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): there is a special hud?
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ^ also this
NeoBokrug Elytis: Just for the tree event
Aposiopesis Fullstop: We cannot be worrying about dealing friendly fire when we’re gathered eight to a node.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Fair enough
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): a SPECIAL hud!
Sketchkat Blackflag: might over-complicate the regular HUD also
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): ok we confused
Aposiopesis Fullstop: And then it’d be weird if the Hot Knife wasn’t a real WL weapon.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So the rewards can’t be a huge pile of salvage.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: (By all means, also make it one, and just have temp-attach freebies for everyone for the tree fight as well.)
NeoBokrug Elytis: Then a unique reward.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): if the bone knife made .. lets say 5 times the damaghe the hot knife does .. it be fine with normal hud
Aposiopesis Fullstop: What if it’s the normal HUD, but the Hot Knife only hits trees, not people?
Storm Thunders: tradeable trophies? to drive the stripey tiger mad :D
Sketchkat Blackflag: lmao
NeoBokrug Elytis: And with the recent fireflies quest, I could have super unique rewards on how well you placed.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: That’d also suck a bit, since we’ve wanted to actually hit each OTHER with that someday, but if this is waht we get….
Aposiopesis Fullstop: *what
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ooooh
NeoBokrug Elytis: Just things to think about.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: That’d be neat.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Until I think of an actual reward, it may just dispense some candy scrit or food.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): how about reward being oe line of code of wl2 .. and as a communety event we gather all 68 billion and combine them?
Storm Thunders: it’s not a tree! It’s brocolli!
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): one
Sketchkat Blackflag: XD
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hehe
Sketchkat Blackflag: (( to answer your question RB, it’s this we’re talking about )
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): maybe something of the giat brocolli we could use, to make a new weapon or food? or, just a trophy :)
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): ty
NeoBokrug Elytis: The tree equip system actually spawned from the idea that I could make sure all Fight Night folks had the same weapons and what-not. I wanted to test an experience based weapon attach system
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I do think it would be good to still have them be WL: resources somehow, tied in a bit to the rest of the game. But it NOT needing EXP, friendly fire, or food makes it VERY noob-friendly, which is good.
Sketchkat Blackflag: mhmm
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, I agree.
Sketchkat Blackflag: a light taste of how hit boxes work
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): oh cool
Aposiopesis Fullstop: We had some folks show up and fight when they had no idea what was going on, but they damn well helped, and it was rad. :D
Sketchkat Blackflag thumbs ups.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So what I am thinking now is a random spawn with a minimum of three weeks, and a maximum of 5. Stays out for 3 days at MOST or until defeated. Sends a message at the start in a discord channel. And a message when its over.
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): we love to try kill that tree
Sketchkat Blackflag thumbs ups.
Aposiopesis Fullstop whispers: Three weeks every… when? Wha?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Scythejaw himself won’t be there, but he may report the Debsloks traders saw it.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): lets do it that way, and talk about it again in half a year if it is working out
NeoBokrug Elytis: It takes up a lot of LI, so I can’t have it out all the time.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It’ll be more interesting when it’s more rare!
NeoBokrug Elytis: And I’ll have to figure out that problem later.
Sketchkat Blackflag: yeah
NeoBokrug Elytis: Seems like a fun short-term project for me to work on.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Will you give the Tree and/or nodes the health bars you considered before?
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think I will give generalized descriptors.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Also nice!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Is the “glow” working out for vulnerability status?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Having no idea of the node’s status is hard.
Sketchkat Blackflag: I found the numbers helpful, personally, so could see how many were hitting and how many needed to refresh their swings
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think the feedback on connecting hits is fine where it is.
Sketchkat Blackflag: for the big tree
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, that makes sense. But just standing and hitting a node with no indication of progress is… not feedbacky.
NeoBokrug Elytis: The numbers is undesired, and some debug text I left in. I am not a big fan of that kind of awareness.
Sketchkat Blackflag: s’fair <:3
NeoBokrug Elytis: I am going to look into that swinging, not-swinging thing.
Candide LeMay: does the big tree regenerate if you stop hitting it?
NeoBokrug Elytis: All things do.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I usually can’t tell whether I’M hitting, but I can tell when WE’RE hitting – I just have no idea whether I’ve gotta do it for another two minutes or ten.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): from my limited experience i would say the nodes are fine how they are, you see the blinking and they take a reasonable time. i think the tree takes very long and it is kind of unexciteing to just stab at it. the health count is helpful to see you even make progress. with a healthbar and the same amount of health you would not see progress.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Maybe I can have it rez a particle on hit.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Sap splat.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think that’s the solution.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, the tree itself is a bit of anticlimactic. It’s a LONG amount of hitting without a lot going for it. (Though it did help when Neo was streaming for the WL18B one. Boss fight music built in? :V )
NeoBokrug Elytis: So you want a big health-bar?
Rudeblitch Dresden Kenny (rudebltch28.larix): yes seeing a healthbar would help
Storm Thunders: maybe it needs to shriek a bit?
Sketchkat Blackflag: XD
Candide LeMay: or run away
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Local chat? Changing color like the nodes do? Something.
NeoBokrug Elytis: It does change color.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: The tree?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Huh.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes, when hit.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I guess when you’re that close and whaling on it…
Sketchkat Blackflag: yeah
NeoBokrug Elytis: It’s just so BIG.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh, I mean to show status. Progres.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Not “you are hitting it now” but “Here’s a sign of how alive it still is.”
Aposiopesis Fullstop: If you hit it once, and it glows a bit, and goes back to what it had been… this tells us nothing.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I will take all your suggestions under advisement. We’ve only got 10 minutes left, and I need to make an open-floor for Role-Play & Events.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Can we ask other game questions, though?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Save ’em for next time, or if no one has RP & events questions
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Ah.
NeoBokrug Elytis: WL18B was fun.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): true
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): it was
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Well, all the usual RP and events are still afoot. If anyone wants to get into the roleplay, or event hosting, I’d be happy to help show the ropes and give what advice I can!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): yes
Sketchkat Blackflag: yes ♥
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, immense thanks to everyone who helped make WL18B happen. It’s the best kind of exhausting, and its own little pocket of time. Hope to do it again next year, too. :D
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oh yeah :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: I also want to thank everyone involved. :)
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is hard to plan and host, but everyone cooperating makes it a lot easier.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): no mean feat, but it was fantastic again! :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: In terms of RP hooks, Drifter’s been revealing some interesting backstory at Booze & Blather lately. Apo continues to have the intermittent braincrazy. Bartleby’s going to be around until next week – but wants to clear out well before Doktor Pileus gets here. (But why?)
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): I wish I had some more time, but hoping next time I can contribute
Sketchkat Blackflag: ooh~
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I’ve already started a notecard to keep track of the stuff that happens so that I can not have a COMPLETE BRAIN FART for the Junkies next time. >_<
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Aposiopesis Fullstop: OH
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Neo: Since it’s on a Friday, any chance of a Botan Bloodlust this Valentine’s Day?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Folks are also bugging me about when the next “Steam Vs Scrap” event is, as everyone loved it. I think folks want it to be an annual event — so I’m starting to consider it. Now that we have three estates though, I would rename it. The gist of the event will still be our community estates mingling and partying.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Unsure Apo.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): :◯
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): speaking of junkies .. you wished for it ..
Sketchkat Blackflag: ooooooh
Candide LeMay: steam vs scrap vs zombies
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): yeah that was awesome :)
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Steam Meets Scrap Meets Shrimp.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): steam vs scrap vs swamp?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Thanks for playing music during the meeting Sandling!
Sketchkat Blackflag: Steam, Scrap and Swamp Soiree
Sandling Honey: most welcome :D
Storm Thunders: Steaming Scrappy Shrimp?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Temporal Tangle is what my brain came up with.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooh, also good.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) would nibble that
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Also: super early notice of The Red Revival, Saturday April 19!
Storm Thunders: Temporal Tangle is probably wiser though – who knows how many themed comms you will collect?
Sketchkat Blackflag: :P
NeoBokrug Elytis: Right Storm?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Aposiopesis Fullstop: NeoBokrug and the Time Empire.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Temporal Tangle: A steaming scrapy scrape of shrimp?
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): estates are like pokemon .. you need to catch 101 just to win the first game
NeoBokrug Elytis: New Toulouse came to me because of my “reputation”.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I guess it is one of note.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): “the collector”
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hehe!
Candide LeMay: new toulouse has a cool vibe. is the original builder still around?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: “He managed to not run an APOCALYPSE into the ground. For 18 years! And have you SEEN those weirdos?!”
NeoBokrug Elytis: Candide: No. I am its 3rd owner.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I… irrationally like how we’re thriving more than that one group that’s all about making a functional democracy in SL and drafting legislation and stuff. :V
Candide LeMay: i wasn’t sure if the estate owner and the person making the builds was the same person
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): i am takeing bets for what will be the next themed estate .. my little pony stands 1:50
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Sketchkat Blackflag: lol Apo x,D yes
NeoBokrug Elytis: I dunno, I think old communities in SL that are in need of help can be fixed.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): haha Cc
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yar, it just takes experience and effort. And you have a lot of both to apply!
NeoBokrug Elytis: They are not Candide. I spent $75 USD last week on new decor. Some which also benefits Caledon and The Wastelands.
LadyMaya: dang, Neo is now head of Wasteland, Caledon AND New Toulouse?! you can NEVER retire
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, and the notice I sent out gives you all first dibbs on land for the next week
LadyMaya: we’re not worthy, we’re not worthy! *bows fervently*
NeoBokrug Elytis: So if any of you MISS swamp, and want Swamp, i got swamp.
Sketchkat Blackflag: >;3
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): it is ghoul infested i heared
Sketchkat Blackflag: my croc av thanks you :P
Aposiopesis Fullstop: But this swamp. How irradiated is it?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I can’t have it washing OFF the filth…
NeoBokrug Elytis: Honestly the swamp theme is almost the same as the wastelands: no electricity, no big structures because it’ll sink; 1920s or older.
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): swamp iradiation was sadly not invented yet
Sketchkat Blackflag: lmao
LadyMaya: lol XD
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): there are some nasty plants growing tho .. so swamp irritation is a real thing
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooh, I do like ghouls and nast-plants…
NeoBokrug Elytis: I may be plauing with PBR land textures, using our current textures as a bas soon.
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooo….
The Mutant Witch of the Wastes (ccindy.pfeffer): fancy shiny sand
Candide LeMay: anyone here still not on PRB enabled viewer?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Any plans to poke with the Estate Windlight more? I know you’d been wanting to give it some work.
Sketchkat Blackflag: the only thing with that is that folk restricted to the older viewer will see just white, no backup
NeoBokrug Elytis: I am kind of waiting for LL to settle it’s PBR workflow down a bit before I poke windlights again.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Ahhh, makes sense.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods
NeoBokrug Elytis: They’ve made 2 major changes in the past year that alter their appearance.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh, and I meant to say this: if you have a garbage computer that struggles with SL should be amazing for you.
Verity Goodnight: I think turning everything waaaay down on the PRB enabled viewer on my laptop seems to be working better than it was
NeoBokrug Elytis: As long as you can run netflix, you can run that
Sketchkat Blackflag: yas ♥
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Is that still just a one-hour time limit, Neo?
NeoBokrug Elytis: No, I think they changed that for the beta.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oho!
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is longer, but still a beta.
Candide LeMay: it was 10 minutes, then one hour … now it’s more?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes.
NeoBokrug Elytis: We’ve technically been done for a long while now. You’re all free to go.
Sketchkat Blackflag: we vibin’ x3