Below is a short summary of the latest Community Meeting, followed by its chat logs – which have been gently edited for formatting, to put questions and answers in bold for easy skimming, and to omit greetings and farewells and other such asides. Meetings are hosted by Estate owner NeoBokrug Elytis at 2:00 pm on the first Saturday of every month at The Potato Farm in The Wastelands, and the discussion is typically divided into three main topics: Estate, Game, and Roleplay & Events. Everyone is welcome to attend!
➳ Malady Bog, Bitter Ridge, and The Sand Seas were taken offline in December.
➳ Offregion dunes will be put up soon at their old borders, to mitigate the sudden void at the edge of the world.
➳ Neo still intends to bring the regions back when it’s feasible, and thanks everyone for understanding.
➳ Neo’s considering shuttering the Patreon, since he has no time to make rewards.
➳ Patrons would be encouraged to buy land instead.
➳ Neo may discuss this with the patrons first, however.
➳ A general reminder of the Don’t Be A Douchebag clause of the Covenant: don’t bully or lash out at others, in local or in groups. Once is rude, and people make mistakes – but if it’s a pattern, it’s a problem.
➳ Themed estates in general are struggling in SL. If there are other communities you like, and you can afford it, try to rent a spot there, too!
➳ Instead of collectibles, there was a Giftmas Quest to collect Glowbugs for Doktor Aeg!
➳ It uses some new code to generate a unique, custom reward for each player.
➳ That exciting new code also had exciting new bugs; Neo reported them and found workarounds.
➳ If implemented in other crafting, each item could be unique, with better or worse stats based on the crafter’s own stats, skills, or interactions.
➳ Each item would also be persistent: give something to a Masheen and cancel the crafting, get the same thing back.
➳ This new code also allows him to leverage Experience Tools to give items directly into a player’s inventory, with no dialogue box to accept (or accidentally decline.)
➳ Aeg’s Potion Quest will go offline again while Neo accounts for the three lost regions.
➳ The way cacti are harvested may change when they’re relocated to Cormac.
➳ Improved pathfinding code is still going to be implemented in the Miasma at some point.
➳ New locations are now even more welcomed for Aeg’s Potion Quest! If you’re a landowner and you’d like your location to be part of the task, see the relevant page of the Wiki for more details! (Already submitted your location? Please resend it; it was lost in the hard drive crash!)
➳ The three-day-spanning party gauntlet of WL18B, The Wastelands’ 18th Birthday, is scheduled for January 17-19!
➳ Usual weekend events are pre-empted for it.
➳ The WL18B movie marathon at the drive-in will have only five or six films this time.
➳ Some of Gomi’s Hostile Broadcast events will be skipped in the coming months due to conflicts with real life concerts.
➳ If you ever want to host your own event, consult Neo or Apo for advice!
➳ Reminder: The roleplay character template has been added to the Wiki – add yours today! Or review it to see who’s who and get some ideas for interactions.
(All Times SLT)
– Storytime with Wasteland Drifter – 2pm
– Gomi’s Garbo Cinematic Expulsion – 5pm
Occasional Sundays at Dass’s Discretion: [RP] I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today Trade Event – 10am
Occasional Sundays at Maenas’ Discretion: [RP] Readings by the Oracle – Noon
– Mutant Drum Circle – 6pm
– Film Night with Wasteland Drifter – 5pm
– Unstructured Playtime w/ Dia – 5pm
– Booze & Blather [RP Event] – 6pm
– Sandling’s Evening Madness – 1pm
– Apo’s Audio Atrocities – 5pm
First Saturday: Community Meeting – 2pm; Fight Night – 3pm
Second Saturday: Barrelhead Bazaar [RP Event] – 11am
Third Saturday: Wasted Raiders’ Raid – Noon
Alternating Saturdays: Saturday Morning Cartoons or Saturday Morning Sci-Fi – 8am
Occasional Saturdays at Apo’s Discretion: Wasted Karaoke – 5pm.
Want to host an event? Let Neo know the event details by Wednesday night and he’ll add it to the weekly group announcements, Discord announcement, and Plurk feed!
If you want to keep in touch with other Wastelanders when you can’t be inworld, our Discord server is now public! The Unbridled Rage greeter bot can give a link.
NeoBokrug Elytis: IT’S… TIME.
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: First: Thank you sandling for the tunes. Always appreciated.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): \O.O/
NeoBokrug Elytis: As per the usual, we’ll talk about various aspects of: The Estate, The Game, and then have an open floor for RP & Events discussion — with time in between each subject for questions and comments.
Sandling Honey: Thankee :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: We’ll be starting with estate stuff.
Sandling Honey: (I’ll be playing the Raja Kirik album – Phantasmagoria of Jathilan in the meantime)
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): mmmdelicious tune
NeoBokrug Elytis: We’ll revisit the regions going offline, as there’s a few things I’d like to address there. At the last meeting it was known they were going offline, but they weren’t quite there yet.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I do know it was sudden for folks, and for that I am sorry.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I just want to say that, it was an extremely difficult series of decisions I had to make. And that I had zero pleasure in making them. But when I get to the point where the decision is made, it’s going to happen. Its like that because even months before I chose to take the regions offline, I was trying to make things work out. I was convincing myself that if I just held on a little longer, just put more effort into the estate, that they’d fill up.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods :(
NeoBokrug Elytis: And while I do have control over much of how the estate operates, I don’t control every aspect of SL.
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): You don’t?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yet.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So by time I made the choice, things were already in motion. I do, genuinely, appreciate peoples offers to help, buy up a bunch of land to shore up the occupancy. But the reality is that is just a short term solution. I’d be back making the same considerations a few months later.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I don’t want folks to leave outside their means for some virtual spaces. I want us all to be comfortable while we’re here.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I am sure that in time Malady Bog will be back. We just need to do it at a measured pace, responsibly. And while much of The Wastelands is fun almost all the time. I am still tasked with looking out for our own future.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So I just wanted to thank everyone who offered to help after the decision was made. I am not ungrateful, and I may have come off as terse and dismissive, but it was all just hard choices that needed following through on.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: <3
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any questions or comments about all of that?
Storm Thunders: It’s that kind of thinking that’s kept the WL around all these years.
Sketchkat Blackflag: <:3 it’s understandable that once the decision was made, can’t falter or weave away from critical indecisiveness
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Yeah :)
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ay I think so, you’ve done the right thing for us all :)
Sketchkat Blackflag: and yes, hard agree
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah. The whole’s more than the sum of its parts, anyway, so if we have to molt a couple parts once in a while, that sucks, but at least the whole keeps going.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha yeah! Other more… fiscally responsible estate owners tell me I should be shaving off regions faster than I do. So in some regards I am sucker for what we have, and hold on too long.
NeoBokrug Elytis: And I really am optimistic about bringing back the regions. They’ll come when we have time.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Well, you treat it like the business it is, but not ONLY as a business.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, I have a lot more involvement than some of those other estate owners. ;)
Aposiopesis Fullstop: You’re looking out for the community first, and if you can sorta ignore the bottom line for a few months until we get over a hurdle, great. But if that’s not changing, you can’t ignore it forever; that’s not good for the community anymore.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods
NeoBokrug Elytis: Related to that, I think I may shut down my patreon this year, and encourage folks who are there to get some land here. We do have tiny parcels that are the smallest patreon donations. That’ll backfill occupancy a bit.
NeoBokrug Elytis: After the region shavings occupancy is a lot better.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Some folks who weren’t affected have also moved around to open up spaces across the estate, and consolidate their holdings. So to those, I am also grateful.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): woooo! \o/
Sketchkat Blackflag thumbs ups.
Verity Goodnight: Will there be a thing fo those of us who do the patreon who also have land to continue with a tip jar?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Some folks want to support The Wastelands but can’t be inworld to maintain land, or aren’t intersted in building, etc. Maybe ask the Patreon members?
NeoBokrug Elytis: I guess I should ask them.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I feel bad I don’t do anything with the patreon. ;)
NeoBokrug Elytis: No time, but folks keep donating; so…
Candide LeMay: you could record little dance videos for the patreons
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hehee
NeoBokrug Elytis: haha
Verity Goodnight: Eh. Some patreons are subscriptions for a thing, some are just so that we can be the King Francis to your Leonardo da Vinci
Storm Thunders cackles!
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): “Donate to get a hug from Neo.”
Ray Rizzler: rusty hugs
NeoBokrug Elytis: Old, melted, hersheys hugs.
Sketchkat Blackflag: ʕ ͡° ᴥ ͡°ʔ
Candide LeMay: do you have a tetanus membership level?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Potential septic shock
Verity Goodnight: We do get the entertaining messages when attaching the hud tho
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think everone who had to move from Malady are generally pleased with where they landed. A couple folks left, but are waiting to come back when there’s swamp.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): the mud is good
Sandling Honey: That often ends up happening naturally
Ray Rizzler: I miss living in the swamp
Sketchkat Blackflag: while I wasn’t in the mud pit per se, it’s strange not seeing anything across from the N x3
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): mmh, that was a thing before though, when we lost the swamps some time ago
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It’s weird and not, to me! Old Malady was gone for so long, after all.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) nods to Apo
Sketchkat Blackflag: I suppose <:3
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It just sorta feels like the region is doing the world’s slowest rolling restart. :V
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Maybe some temp outside sim dunes for now? Just tossing that out.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): :◯
Ray Rizzler: Its still there in spirit
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Was a cool effect with the sand seas.
Sandling Honey: Just rez a big prim wall with a snapshot of it
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): it’s an idea
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh yeah, there used to be some of those dune thingies before.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): awww
Ray Rizzler: Lol
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Yes, Sand lol
NeoBokrug Elytis: I don’t make these sorts of asks really, especially since most of you have have a home someplace on the grid. But for those of you who don’t, consider getting a parcel at a place you love — not for just The Wastelands, but to keep themed communities on the grid. There’s a lot of places in SL that got wrecked last year in terms of occupancy, and while I do believe themed communities are doing better than “just land” estates, they’re still taking a hit.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods
NeoBokrug Elytis: I will bring back the off region dunes. December was busy nuts, and this month is shaping up to be very busy too
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Oh cool!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any other questions or comments about estate stuff, before I move on to game stuff?
Sandling Honey: Thanks Mutsy! :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: Moving on to game stuff. I am sorry that I didn’t have the traditional collectables this year. We didn’t really have anything new that I could share in terms of game things. The Burnt Oak Tree event was made with off-the-shelf components.
Gomi Mfume: this music is bonkers
Sandling Honey: It’s Raja Kirik’s Phantasmagoria of Jathilan :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: And while the glowbug Giftmas Quest is new and different, it does have amazing variety in rewards, since you “craft” the reward yourself.
Sketchkat Blackflag: it’s super cute I love it ^^
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): that’s a neat gift :)
Storm Thunders: Just a regular normal human.
Verity Goodnight: I have been enjoying it
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): glow bugs ftw
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It’s satisfying! I’ve only collected two jars so far, but i want moooooar….
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) smells something fishy about that normal human who just entered
Verity Goodnight: yessss gotta collect ’em all
NeoBokrug Elytis: I had 4 or 5 false starts on it. THen when I got going I ran into some huge walls. So I have some work-arounds there, and I found a new bug for LL to deal with.
Sketchkat Blackflag: literally
Verity Goodnight: you got LL a giftmas bug present too :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Don’t you cast aspersion on Guy Humanson like that.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): It never ends there
Candide LeMay: is the bug with the new give inventory function?
NeoBokrug Elytis: It works for now. It’ll be up until the 7th, along with the Wastelands Giftmas Tree, and the Caledon Holiday Tree
NeoBokrug Elytis: Candide – I wish I had that function, but this is my own mad science that I’ve been slowly pecking at for years.
NeoBokrug Elytis: That new function would save me a lot of headache.
Gomi Mfume: \o/ i should be home all tomorrow and have some time to actually get some bugs
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Candide LeMay: i thought you’re using that ’cause some of the jars i couldn’t find in my inventory after finishing the quest – they ended up in lost&found for some reason
NeoBokrug Elytis: The quest is testing a feature set I’ve been picking at for a while. I want objects to be more than “this is the object you get for the thing you did”, and instead be, “You made this object based on your skills, or stats, or interactions. It may not be perfect, it may be better than the defauly.
NeoBokrug Elytis: *default.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But that’s what I did with the holiday quest. If you look at each description, it is branded with whoever crafted it. And you can’t do that by just giving inventory.
Dassina Andel: WL: Sandwich when?
Sandling Honey: thx Gomi! :D
Gomi Mfume: no prob!
NeoBokrug Elytis: And you can’t say, these are all the colors you got, and are represented by the object you made.
Sketchkat Blackflag: yeah :D did notice that, a very nice touch
Sketchkat Blackflag: the opacity thing is cute also x3
Sketchkat Blackflag: brightness etc
NeoBokrug Elytis: So there’s a lot of complex weirdness that I try to push SL to do. And while that function is around the corner Candide, my witchcraft version doesn’t prompt to transfer to you. YOU GET IT WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Lol sounds about right
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) snorts!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Apo can attest that I was gnashing my teeth, and pushing my fists into my eye sockets often.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Even moreso than usual.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But I made it work, and now I have a basic framework for it all.
Gomi Mfume: safety glasses are required PPE for coding.
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It seems like a good template that could be used for similar-but-different gathering quests, too!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I need to put the aeg potion quest offline again, so i can review the locations of objects for regions that are not online anymore.
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is true. I may do it for the cactii.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I may change how that’s gathered.
Sketchkat Blackflag: :O
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooh.
NeoBokrug Elytis: While I am reviewing the potion quest, I’ll be porting parts of it over to Caledon Quest.
NeoBokrug Elytis: They have a nice system setup, but it’s offline now, and needs an update.
Sketchkat Blackflag: ooh
NeoBokrug Elytis: That’s about it for game stuff. Any questions or comments about anything?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Will you be updating the Miasmata with the pathfinding update that lets them move somewhere nearby, instead of somewhere random in the region?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Ahh, I do need to do that. I think the bare bones of that function is there, but I have yet to test.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I can’t remember if the bugs are using it or not.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I thought it’d been tested with… something last year, I can’t remember what, just not applied yet.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: (I’m just hoping it works so we can maybe hunt critters…)
NeoBokrug Elytis: Dass is going to be mad when I make eggs that go into a masheen, come out as they were.
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Eggsact copies, then?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Before we move on to an open floor for Events & Role Play.
NeoBokrug Elytis: We’re going to have a bit of a serious talk.
Sketchkat Blackflag waits for “birds & bees” …
Candide LeMay raises wing
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
NeoBokrug Elytis: No one likes having their behavior policed, that’s just a fact. I do not like telling people to behave, and I feel I shouldn’t have to. But sometimes something has to be said based on how a person is acting. Maybe that person is under the influence of something, and are acting out on SL, maybe they got something going on. We can’t always be sure. But if you are under the influence of something, and you’re lashing out at folks publicly, or at an event, or in the groups I control. I’m going to tell you to knock it off. There’s no room for malicious or bullying behavior. And if you’re under the influence of something, I’ll tell you the same thing. I don’t care how long we’ve been friends, you’ll get an official warning from me.
NeoBokrug Elytis: If you’re under the influence of something, I see it as driving a car. You’re driving your avatar. The things you say, and do, your behaviors here — I’ll hold you accountable for them.
Gomi Mfume: 100%
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas) nods
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is one of the burdens of running a community. If I come to you to address something, it’s not because I am having a personal beef or anything. It’s because I want to help you. I don’t want to make folks feel unwelcome, or like they don’t belong. I want you all to enjoy your time here.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Appreciate that, Neo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: But if your behaviors are singling out people, or making them feel unwelcome, or full of malice. I’m going to IM you about it.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Uhoh. Malice is full of malice!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) agrees
Sketchkat Blackflag nods in agreement
Gomi Mfume: as someone who both runs events, and has been drunker and / or stoned off their ass in world in the past. sometimes you just hit a point where it’s like. erugh. it’s no longer people time..
Sketchkat Blackflag: lol Apo :P
Gomi Mfume: and i leave..
NeoBokrug Elytis: And I will wield the ban hammer, not matter how much land you own, no matter if we’re BFFs. There are very low bar expectations of common decency for being part of this community. It’s okay to be fun, have jovial jabs at each other, as long as you’re not going out of your way to make people feel bad. I’ve got almost 20 years of BS detection in SL.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any questions or comments about all that?
Verity Goodnight: sound v reasonable
NeoBokrug Elytis: That’s the way to do it really. Take a break, sleep on it.
Gomi Mfume: and i don’t think anyone, myself included is gonna be upset about a potentually uprupt exit from someone’s eventif you feel that way
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Everyone’s going to have their rough times – especially with this many people, over so many years. Everyone’s gonna end up, intentionally or not, putting their foot in their mouth, or being a dick to somebody. Sometimes people can be gracious about it. But if it’s a pattern, or bullying, that’s… just another matter.
Sketchkat Blackflag: now I feel self conscious for being low key silly about dan x3 but yes sir
Beasil (beasil.roundfield): I should be all good, I drive my avatar better when I’m drunk
Candide LeMay: that dan guy still shows up?
Sketchkat Blackflag: yep
Gomi Mfume: unsure i’ve met them?
Gomi Mfume: doesn’t matter.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Now, I’ll pass the Mic to Apo for WL18B stuff, and then an open floor for RP & Events discussion?
Aposiopesis Fullstop cracks her knuckles!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): :D
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Danbuffet is hard to forget if you have met him.
Ray Rizzler: such an icon
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): barfdaaay
Gomi Mfume: oh, yo. i HAVE seen that ethereal profile image before.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: The Wastelands is turning EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD SOMEHOW on January 17! So buckle up, we’re in for another three-day-spanning PARTY GAUNTLET from Friday, Jan 17 through Sunday, Jan 19! Slots are filling up, but if you want to host an event of some kind – DJ set, game show, storytelling, live performance, or any other odd thing you can come up with – let me or Neo know what and when, and I’ll see where (er, well, and IF) we can slot it in!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I’ll just lob the notecard at alla y’all.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahahahaha
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
NeoBokrug Elytis: Hahaha
Second Life: Items successfully shared.
NeoBokrug Elytis pencils gomi in for the last event.
Gomi Mfume: honestly, that often works best for me? lol
Sketchkat Blackflag: that was some fast pigeons x3
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) rezzes out the almost finished poster for the WL18B… almost!
Gomi Mfume: i’m assuming like last year, i’m not doing the movie thing that sunday.. let me know if you want me to see if i can scrounge some things for the all day stream
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh yes, there shall indeed be the non-stop movie marathon!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, no movies on the weekend. It’ll be a stream of stuff on repeat.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: And slumber party! :V
Gomi Mfume: a break is nice, now and then!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think I am just going to pick 5 movies, and let them go on repeat. That way folks can tune in or out at their leisure.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Instead of more than a dozen.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): sounds like a good idea
Sketchkat Blackflag: that’d be nice yeah :3
Ray Rizzler: gracias
Gomi Mfume: i’m gonna be missing a couple wednesdays over the next couple months due to ACTUAL REAL LIFE CONCERTS that happen to fall on wednesdays
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, there’s a sweet spot. We don’t wanna see the same thing at the same time every night, but it’s good if you have a chance of catching something you missed part of!
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): ooo
NeoBokrug Elytis: I hope you enjoy them!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Ooooh, rad!
Gomi Mfume: sounds good.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oooh nice
Gomi Mfume: frank black is playing teenager of the year in it’s entirety on the 29th
Gomi Mfume: HYPED
Verity Goodnight: oooh
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): All the APJAC Planet of the Apes films on repeat
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Sweeeet.
Sketchkat Blackflag: :P~~~~
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Somewhere, Drifter, Skylar’s eye is twitching.
Rax Stooge: hahaha
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): lol
NeoBokrug Elytis: If anyone wants advice or direct one-on-one help in hosting an event in SL, I think Apo or Myself can oblige. Perhaps Gomi and Drifter too. Once you start, it’s very fun and kind of addictive.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It really is. I only meant my DJing to be a one-off, but WELP.
Sketchkat Blackflag: lol :P
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): It would be cool, but no idea what I can come up… fingerpainting? lmao
Gomi Mfume: and one of her wings is all scrunched up and making sounds like a paper shopping bag being scrunched
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hahaha
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha, that could sorta be fun. Some sort of weird craft hour, where people try to make a thing in meatspace in a short time, then show pics of it.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Ooooh :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: Indeed.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Or maybe I could have my skinned up tusk do something, tutorial on stitching skins
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Wasted origami
Sketchkat Blackflag: xD
Sketchkat Blackflag: would be down for that
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): a bit like the machine but in rl, combine 3 things to make something useful?
Antares Thane (vickycriss): :)
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Sure, I can try and brainstorm a little to make it plausible and work in theme. I wouldn’t want to make it TOO messy for folks.
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Blood all over your desk
Sketchkat Blackflag: papercraft in general is pretty fun, but the timing would be tricky
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Yeah needs to be simple and silly
Aposiopesis Fullstop: A mixed reality mixed media event! :V
Sketchkat Blackflag: mask making xD
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Ohh yes, good idea too!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): eep!
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): “I said consummate Vs!”
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): I could make parts in blender for folks to put together… hmmm *brews ideas*
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Plenty of events this week, and of course in 2 weekends.
Sketchkat Blackflag: :O
NeoBokrug Elytis: Thank you all for coming out. Thanks again Sandling, for the tunes.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): wooo!
Beasil (beasil.roundfield): Yes this album fucks
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh yeah. It’s my “Best” of 2024 set tonight, by the by! Some megamashes of the year’s chart hits, some favorite mashups, and some tributes to musicians who’ve gone on to that great gig in the sky.
Sketchkat Blackflag thumbs ups.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ya’ll can see the poster right?… just checking my textures have laoded
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): loaded*
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Oh I see it now
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Colorful!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Ah, there it is!
Sandling Honey: \O.O/
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): bit of a snag… the mesh it’s on isn’t transferable xD
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): I like that 18 idea
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) bonks her head
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Very smart Mutsy
Sandling Honey: Thank you for tuning in along :D
Beasil (beasil.roundfield): Thaanks for the hypnotic tunes
Candide LeMay: night everyone
Sandling Honey: Yeeeee
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oh yeah, that’s a rework of the 13th poster idea :)
Gomi Mfume: thanks, sandling!
Sketchkat Blackflag: Thank you Sandling ^^
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Aha!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Thankye, Sandling!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Thanks Sandling!
Sandling Honey: \O.O/
Sketchkat Blackflag: and that’s a snazzy “poster” as usual Mutsy :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: And yeah, might just need to go on a prim, I suppose. Just lob me a copy when it’s got the perms sorted, and I’ll slap some notecards and links to the schedule in there and start sticking ’em on anything that stands still too long! :V
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) blushes
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ofcourse Apo :)
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): I gota scoot for a bit, have fun all ❤
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Seeya, Mutsy!
Ray Rizzler: awesome set
Sketchkat Blackflag waves ^^
Gomi Mfume: same. i’ll probably swing by tonight at some point.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, that album was rad, Sandling.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: wooo!
Gomi Mfume: take care, everyone!
Ray Rizzler: Wo0H0o!
Tintosha (tayasha.tammas): Thanks for today! :)
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): awesome!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I shall see you all around. :)