Below is a short summary of the latest Community Meeting, followed by its chat logs – which have been gently edited for formatting, to put questions and answers in bold for easy skimming, and to omit greetings and farewells and other such asides. Meetings are hosted by Estate owner NeoBokrug Elytis at 2:00 pm on the first Saturday of every month at The Potato Farm in The Wastelands, and the discussion is typically divided into three main topics: Estate, Game, and Roleplay & Events. Everyone is welcome to attend!
➳ Occupancy has held stable over the past month.
➳ Neo has made some changes to the backend of the tier system to make it easier for him to use.
➳ Much of his time this month has been in renovating New Toulouse, upgrading some of its old prim-built buildings to ones that are still prim-built, but with PBR!
➳ Updates may be made to the overdue notifications sent by Unbridled Rage.
➳ Neo’s seen some billing hiccups and some long turnaround times with Concierge service.
➳ If you have any account issues that give you problems paying tier, let Neo know – he can give you time to sort it out!
➳ If you bought L$ and aren’t seeing it update in your browser, that’s an old bug. Click your L$ balance and it should resolve.
➳ Neo plans to promote the Northgate Community Gateway – and The Wastelands itself – more heavily soon.
➳ In other-estate news, Caledon just turned 19 last weekend, and New Toulouse turns 17 on the 8th!
➳ No updates over the past month.
➳ Neo hopes to apply concepts from the Giftmas glowbug quest to update some objects – including plants.
➳ The Red Revival returns on Saturday, April 19! If you wamt to perform, or if you currently RP a Manimal or Human and want to take the opportunity to go Ghoul, contact Apo!
➳ Due to a lot of other priorities, Neo might not be hosting several of his events throughout March.
➳ Want to learn to host an event? Let Apo or Neo know!
➳ Reminder: The roleplay character template has been added to the Wiki – add yours today! Or review it to see who’s who and get some ideas for interactions.
Weekly Event Summary:
(All Times SLT)
– Storytime with Wasteland Drifter – 2pm
– Gomi’s Garbo Cinematic Expulsion – 5pm
Occasional Sundays at Dass’s Discretion: [RP] I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today Trade Event – 10am
Occasional Sundays at Maenas’ Discretion: [RP] Readings by the Oracle – Noon
– Mutant Drum Circle – 6pm
– Film Night with Wasteland Drifter – 5pm
– Unstructured Playtime w/ Dia – 5pm
– Booze & Blather [RP Event] – 6pm
– Sandling’s Evening Madness – 1pm
– Apo’s Audio Atrocities – 5pm
First Saturday: Community Meeting – 2pm; Fight Night – 3pm
Second Saturday: Barrelhead Bazaar [RP Event] – 11am
Third Saturday: Wasted Raiders’ Raid – Noon
Alternating Saturdays: Saturday Morning Cartoons or Saturday Morning Sci-Fi – 8am
Occasional Saturdays at Apo’s Discretion: Wasted Karaoke – 5pm.
Want to host an event? Let Neo know the event details by Wednesday night and he’ll add it to the weekly group announcements, Discord announcement, and Plurk feed!
If you want to keep in touch with other Wastelanders when you can’t be inworld, our Discord server is now public! The Unbridled Rage greeter bot can give a link.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Hi everyone! As per the usual we’ll talk about the three aspects of the estate, land, the game, RP & events — with time for questions in between.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Oh, there, that’s much better.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Starting off with land and estate; occupancy has remained relatively the same this past month. A few people did move around, and I think one person got some land.
NeoBokrug Elytis: My tier system was made with just The Wastelands in mind. So when I picked up Caledon a year and a half ago, it was just kind of duct-taped on to the system. A few minor changes here, and a couple tools there. All still works.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Then when I picked up New Toulouse at the start of the year, same deal. But now it was a little harder to sort throught the data. So I made further changes to the backend of things to help me have some SANITY.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But for now, it’s still a stand-in for all the big changes I want to make, and it’ll work fine.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I’ll try not to pick up any other estates on my way out to the parking lot.
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): hah
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): haha
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
The Pale One (palegreysky): Neo, the term “landlord” doesn’t mean “lord all the lands”
LadyMaya: lol XD
NeoBokrug Elytis: It does if I make it so.
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): thats the spirit
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): apo, you’re the word expert. what do you say??
Candide LeMay: neo is a landlek
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): ALL the lands
NeoBokrug Elytis: A good chunk of my time this month was catching up on New Toulouse. I have been building with prims and PBR and it is really refreshing. PBR can make prims pop.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): haha and yes, neo gets to say X-D
Sandling Honey: Landhoard
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha
NeoBokrug Elytis: There’s also a non-zero chance I will change up what Unbridled Rage says to folks who’re overdue. Hopefully it will be more informative, rather than just the idle threats of collecting your kneecaps.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.fledermaus): he said whore
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): HA!
Storm Thunders: I’m now imagining back behind that counter of his, there’s a lovely hanging collection of knee bones.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): pffff
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): can we start paying in kneecaps we’ve collected from other folks?
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): if there isn’t, storm, there oughta be!
NeoBokrug Elytis: While I do send personal inworld notifications when people are overdue, I have a scripted tool to help me find who is overdue, and what to say. Because tehre’s a lot of specifics in how you address parcel(s) being overdue, grace periods, and the urgency of it all.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Neo just wants them for snacks. Spread ’em with some Patella Nutella.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I could imagine myself knawing on kneecaps.
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): fuck i lold harder at that than i should have
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Given that it was *terrible* and the appropriate amount to laugh was: zero, yes. :V
Storm Thunders: hahaha
NeoBokrug Elytis: I feel the need to be a bit transparent here. While my billing hasn’t been affected yet by a couple billing issues I seem to be having because of the tilia transfer — the billing issues do make me nervous. The turn around time for these tickets with my concierge support has been… bad. Things HAVE resolved themselves over time, but the lack of communication about the messages I see or might see, makes me anxious.
LadyMaya: yike!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have 30 regions, so on average I am seeing something every day on billing.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So I guess everyone keep an eye on your SL account balances.
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): oof
NeoBokrug Elytis: Double check your billing, make sure it all works.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): :o
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hopefully, whatever teething-trouble they might be having is sorted out soon.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): oh great googly mooglies. looks like i now have a new hobby :-(
NeoBokrug Elytis: I’ll clarify a bit more. It seems like I was being billed multiple times for regions. I also got a message saying I owed a balance on my account, when I have a larger balance than what I owe.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hecks
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): okies
NeoBokrug Elytis: So the Tilia transfer is a bit… rocky. But after time, things were correct, even if the messages didn’t seem like it.
The Pale One (palegreysky): I bought L$ yesterday, which I could see inworld but couldn’t see in my account on SLMP. I had to send the money to an alt and then send it back in order for it to show up. So shit is fucky.
NeoBokrug Elytis: That’s an old bug.
Candide LeMay: people have been reporting automatic payments not going through, or not using the USD balance (wallet at they call it)… doesn’t seem to affect everyone
The Pale One (palegreysky): It also refunded me $0.04.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, that’s happened for a long time – just click on the Buy L$ button again, without actually buying more, and it’ll update, usually.
NeoBokrug Elytis: If you buy L$ on the lindex, and it doesn’t update. Click your L$ balance in the viewer, and it will update.
LadyMaya: 4 cents :P
The Pale One (palegreysky): It was working on the viewer, but not on browser.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, the browser doesn’t update the side-bar immediately. But if you view other pages it does.
NeoBokrug Elytis: So yeah, keep an eye on your accounts during this Tilia transition. If you’re having problems paying tier because of it, let me know.
NeoBokrug Elytis: You guys know I am cool about being overdue, as long as I know what’s up.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): kk!
LadyMaya: can do, guvnah!
NeoBokrug Elytis: If I don’t know, I’ll just assume you got lost in some liminal space dimension, never to return.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): yep!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: That’s my vacation plan.
The Pale One (palegreysky): It’s true, I have brainrot and sometimes forget to pay rent and Neo just pokes me with a stick.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hehehe
LadyMaya: a heavy stick i hope :P
NeoBokrug Elytis: Hence the manual IMs I sent out.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): pale IS a beefy guy…
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): It happens :D
LadyMaya: hahaha XD
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Look at me not making a salacious innuendo.
Candide LeMay: does every poke with a stick produce money out of you pale?
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): HAHAHA!!!!
NeoBokrug Elytis: … is he a money pinata?
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): looks around for a nice big stick
NeoBokrug Elytis: I should make an attachment that does that
NeoBokrug Elytis: On collision, you spill out an L$
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): DO IT
NeoBokrug Elytis: Folks can run in to it, and get an L$ from you.
The Pale One (palegreysky): like giuseppe’s money gun in reverse
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes.
NeoBokrug Elytis: You bleed money.
Aposiopesis Fullstop deploys the Poking Stick.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): now THAT would be a very cool attachment X-D
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): the bleeding money thing X-D
NeoBokrug Elytis: Unrelated to The Wastelands, Caledon JUST turned 19. New Toulouse’s Birthday is next weekend as well.
Candide LeMay: could be good for newbies looking for some free L$
NeoBokrug Elytis: Just hit people until the money pops out?
Candide LeMay: just hit pale
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oooh!!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Just pale.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I’m tryin!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Or we all wear an attachment, we bleed money, and the money comes from pales account?
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hahaha
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): BRILLIANT!!
The Pale One (palegreysky): Yeah my account has enough for my Wasteland’s rent right now
The Pale One (palegreysky): So
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): hahaha
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Bank of Pale, poke here
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): ((you know we love you, pale! :-P ))
The Pale One (palegreysky): They bleed me dry, you ain’t getting paid
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Awww.
NeoBokrug Elytis: No more land!
Storm Thunders: Don’t stain that pretty white coat!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Anyway! I gotta start promoting Northgate soon, as well as The Wastelands. That has been on my todo list since last year.
Candide LeMay: how’s the noob trap doing?
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): there will be blood (water?) if God wills it.
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): iykyk
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.fledermaus): mmm blood
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): haha!!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think a few avs come in a day. Mostly from other spaces. I may apply for us to be in the WelcomeHUB like Caledon is, but for The Wastelands.
Candide LeMay: you don’t have a visitor counter there?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Not yet.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I may or may not make a system for that. I am unsure. I typically don’t care about metrics.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Moving on to game stuff: Nothing happened last month, other than deep shower thoughts about cool things.
LadyMaya: Has anyone else have had issues with Aeg?
Ϯ ҜɨʀҜ Ϯ (kirk.ravenwood): mmmmm deep shower thoughts
NeoBokrug Elytis: After the firefly quest from Giftmas, I am ready to utilize some of that to update some objects, including the plants.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Issues?
LadyMaya: Just sometimes i click him and it will say “talking” but his dialogue pop-up screen doesn’t come up
NeoBokrug Elytis: That seems new. Is it offscreen or something?
NeoBokrug Elytis: What viewer are you on?
NeoBokrug Elytis: And
LadyMaya: Firestorm
NeoBokrug Elytis: I wonder if it has to do with that packet buffer issue LL knows about.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: From the makers of Patella Nutella, it’s Packet Buffer Peanut Butter.
Candide LeMay: that’s his ventriloquist mode maya
NeoBokrug Elytis: haha
LadyMaya: haha :D
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): mmmh sounds yummy
LadyMaya: really hope we can bring Sand Seas back, it’s hard to salvage without it
NeoBokrug Elytis: The caves are a good run.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Malady Bog before Sand Seas. :)
LadyMaya: got you!
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i’ll raise a hand for sand seas salvaging as well, but i get the priority :-)
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): *scavenging
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah. The visibility there made things a lot easier compared to elsewhere.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yeah, I feel you all.
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Did I miss the moment of dan?
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.fledermaus): yes
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.fledermaus): by an hour
NeoBokrug Elytis: Moving on to events and RP, this March has a lot going on for me in and out of SL. I don’t know that I can confidently host my normal events.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But if anyone is interested in hosting their events, or have ideas they want to flesh out, you can always as me and Apo. We’ll help guide you to doing fun things with regularity.
The Pale One (palegreysky): WL Update March 2025: All Neo events to be replaced by me beatboxing awkwardly while Beasil dances in the background.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Sounds good
NeoBokrug Elytis: As it is written, it is done.
The Pale One (palegreysky): It was either that or I show The Pest again…
The Pale One (palegreysky): and I figure I’d get lynched if I did that
Aposiopesis Fullstop puts contact poison on the poking stick and takes aim again.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But yeah, not much this past month. There’s a Tides of Time between Caledon and New Toulouse. I will make a non-RP-Canonical teleport to there from The Wastelands when it is done being built.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any questions, comments, or ideas?
The Pale One (palegreysky) fights the urge to ask his normal question
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Not as such, but… advance notice that The Red Revival returns next month – Saturday, April 19! I’ll shortly be putting out feelers for performers. And if you currently roleplay a Human or Manimal, but you’ve been thinking about going Ghoul, it may be a fine opportunity! Get in touch with me if you’re inclined to DJ or to volunteer for ritual sacrifice! :V
Dassina Andel: WL: Sandwich when? >.>
LadyMaya: yaaaay! Red Revival, date noted!
LadyMaya: YAY! (yay!)
LadyMaya: \ o /
LadyMaya: | |
LadyMaya: / \
The Pale One (palegreysky): If anyone tries to take my normal spot I’ll stab you with a brick.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): HAHA!!!
Storm Thunders: Reminds me of my granny’s favorite phrase “shit a brick sideways”
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): o_o
The Pale One (palegreysky): My nan used to say something that hurt but not that bad was “Better than a kick in the hip with a sharp rock”
The Pale One (palegreysky): and to this day
The Pale One (palegreysky): no idea what the fuck that means
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha!
Storm Thunders: dunno, but they both sound painful!
NeoBokrug Elytis: BRB real quick!
The Pale One (palegreysky): i’d rather get kicked by a rock than shit an entire brick sideways
Candide LeMay: maybe it’s a lego brick
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): My kin had some colorful but obscure sayings like that.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): hahahaha!
Storm Thunders: hee!
LadyMaya: what would we do without the fine talk about brick shitting but at a WL community meeting!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Welcomeback, Neo!
LadyMaya: wb!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Trash talking me already?
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): wb!
The Pale One (palegreysky): Yes
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Did you bring leg bricks?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Thanks for the music sandling. :)
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): lego*
Sandling Honey: Most welcome :D
Candide LeMay: drifter said they have sayings about mechanic men in ireland
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Like, “Don’t trust the Russians; they’ll shit in your mailbox.”
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): Which I have yet to witness
The Pale One (palegreysky): I mean
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahahaha
The Pale One (palegreysky) closes his mailbox with a frown
Storm Thunders glues the mailbox SHUT
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) stabs it with a brick to be sure
LadyMaya: hahaha
Aposiopesis Fullstop: But here comes Vadislav with an acetylene torch and the Sunday Times….
Storm Thunders glues the brick sideways to the mailbox.
Drifter (wastelanddrifter): I did used to say that contractors standing around talking next to a “Men at work” sign was an Irish break.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oh lordy Storm
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I did want to thank the folks that have land here in The Wastelands, and opted for some in New Toulouse. Your suppor there has really helped out the community. Things were very dire at the start of the year. It has rebounded very well.
NeoBokrug Elytis: The trick for me now is to keep that occupancy. :)
The Pale One (palegreysky): I need to go work on my toulousal land
LadyMaya: so glad to hear that about New Toulouse!
Candide LeMay: do you plan to expand new toulouse?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh dang, Mardi Gras is next Tuesday!
The Pale One (palegreysky): I almost returned a landmark building because it was on my parcel :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: So if you got friends, who… maybe The Wastelands isn’t their jam, but a 1920s themed louisiana space might be something they’d like — let ’em know. Word of mouth has always been the best thing for The Wastelands.
NeoBokrug Elytis: And that word of mouth can work for New Toulouse.
Candide LeMay: the place sure has a vibe
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): yeah, I got some too I need to work on :)
NeoBokrug Elytis: They’re just 2 regions now, but they got a lot of heart.
LadyMaya: note to self: visit New Toulouse soon
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have yet to really decorate there, but I did buy $75 USD in new assets.
Candide LeMay: no time toulouse!
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i felt a connection the first time i wandered around there. SO glad you saved it, neo.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): He did!
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): indeedy do!
NeoBokrug Elytis: It is one of the old communities in SL, and themed communities just have a vibe.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Poor bastard’s just delivered my energy drinks in a snowstorm, god bless walmart delivery
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): wow
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): L O L O L they’re how i survive, pale X-D
The Pale One (palegreysky): This is our like, third blizzard in as many weeks
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oh goodness.
The Pale One (palegreysky): getting sick of this dogshit
NeoBokrug Elytis: Save the snow, for when the water wars arrive.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): You’d never get that kind of service where I Live, just with a sprinkle of snow, if we get any
Candide LeMay: blizzard? world of walmart?
LadyMaya: dang, can’t imagine, sorry Pale
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): 0.0 holy shit!
The Pale One (palegreysky): Mutsy, I live in Maine
The Pale One (palegreysky): snow is kind of an expected disaster
Storm Thunders: People who stay in Maine year round are known as maniacs :D
The Pale One (palegreysky): no we’re known as poor
LadyMaya: oh dear
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think we’re done with the meeting. Again, not too much going on. Just a “coasting” month.
The Pale One (palegreysky): People who leave for the winter are called “Snowbirds”
Storm Thunders: that too often. The weather there is brutal in winter
The Pale One (palegreysky): and we make fun of them
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i was just about to mention that it’s 75 degrees F here in N california… but now on second thought, i’m not going to say anything
Candide LeMay: it’s all those stick pokes pale
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Yeah, the UK is pathetic when it comes to the white stuff :/
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Thanks, Neo!
NeoBokrug Elytis: And if anyone lives near San Fransisco, I have a curious question for you — but shoot me an IM.
The Pale One (palegreysky): Well at least it’s warm enough to snow :)))
NeoBokrug Elytis: an IM on discord