Another intense evening of War Zone occurred in and around the Potato Farm last night. Old and new faces appeared for the battles, including the metal man, NeoBokrug Elytis. He was on hand last night to herd the assembled Wastelanders into two teams for the evening’s bloodthirsty entertainment.
Team One was Raze Repine, Aki Shichiroji of the Post-Apocalyptic Press, biche Xue of the Scarabs, and Psycho Baroque of the Renegades. Pscyho Baroque stood as their team captain.
Team Two was Tsukiko Dreamscape, Aposiopesis Fullstop, Pietro Moskvitch of the Moskvitch Mercs, and Diamanda Gustafson. Pietro Moskvitch assumed command of Team Two.
The first battle was a round of Capture the Flag. All of Team One rushed into the arena while Team Two divided, some waiting outside for a flag-bearer to emerge for them to either defend or attack. Defense was the order of the day as Aposiopesis snatched the flag and ran out of the arena, her team mates fending off pursuit. The chase stretched from the Arena to the hilltop and back to the Garrison, skirting along the pipeline. Team Two was victorious, keeping possession of the flag for the entire battle.

The second battle was confined to the Potato Farm. NeoBokrug rolled out a random floor pattern for the fight. The cruel “Prince of Persia” appeared; a dense collection of mines, pits, and sharp spike traps. The buzzer sounded. Blood splattered. The grating of spikes and the explosions of mines echoed within the walls of the Potato Farm. The battle was over in seconds. Team Two survived due in part to luck and evasion of brutal traps.

Though it was clear Team Two had won this evening’s War Zone, the Metal Man was disappointed at the second battle’s brevity. Hungry for blood, he demanded more from his Wastelanders! I’m beginning to suspect he craves their blood from these events, mixing it with whatever oil or grease his old-world machinery needs to thrive. Perhaps the Potato Farm demands it also! He cleared the floor of the Arena of all traps and ushered the teams back into their cells, pairing them off so two from each team occupied one of the four cells.

The buzzer sounded and the fighters poured into a chaotic fight of hit and run with nowhere to hide. Team Two was decimated, leaving only their captain, Pietro Moskvitch to fend off Team One. Now, to the casual observer or newcomer, they may think the outcome was inevitable. Not so. Pietro Moskvitch is one of the craftiest Wastelanders around and one of its oldest veterans, winning many Fight Nights in the past and defeating many among the ruins. He’s almost always well equipped with ammunition and med-kits (in this case, 33), prepared for any fight and very proud of his expertise. Rightfully so, last night he defied Team One by slowly and methodically defeating their four members while efficiently tending to his wounds during the heat of battle.
(Editor’s Note: War Zone is held in Hambone Slash every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 3PM SLT.))