Another intense Fight Night transpired at the Potato Farm this past weekend and an old war-horse of the Wastelands attained victory once again. Pietro Moskvitch of the Moskvitch Mercs returned with a vengeance to Fight Night a week after his epic battle against an entire team of scavengers during last week’s War Zone.
Was Pietro still riding high from that victory or taking a good trip from a heavy dosage of med-kits? Regardless, he survived his matches to face off in the final against Raze Repine and Dassina Andel of the Renegades (the returning Fight Night champion). The three contenders fought hard until Raze fell from his injuries. Pietro and Dassina remained and the fight drew on for many minutes as they pursued, stabbed, and shot at one another. Finally, Pietro defeated the vicious tigress and claimed his reward.

Winning Fight Night can indeed be a bloody dance between luck and skill. One trip on a trap could be all the advantage your opponent needs. And it doesn’t hurt to prepare yourself and your equipment well in advance for the injuries you’re bound to receive.
Prior to Fight Night, an epic team battle was arranged, pitting two teams of four against each other in the Candy Store. The team of Dassina Andel, Pietro Moskvitch, Aki Shichiroji, and Raze Repine defeated Psycho Baroque, Ccindy Pfeffer, Oleg Kiranov, and Patrice Cournoyer. All of the above participated in the Fight Night tourney that followed.
Fight Night happens every first and third Saturday at 3PM SLT in Hambone Slash. Fight Night results can be picked up in-world at the Post Apocalyptic Press.