Monofio Pinion, Nad Warrior, Pirate Graves, Psycho Baroque, Robin Varialle, Merk Thor and TheBlackCloud Oh emerged victorious this week at WarZone as the result of the best of two of three rounds.
Both teams competing were limited to two rifles in total, and consisted of Monofio Pinion, Nad Warrior, Pirate Graves, Psycho Baroque, Robin Varialle, Merk Thor and TheBlackCloud Oh (Team One) and Kaycen Lament, Patrice Cournoyer, Dassina Andel, VoidTraveller Seetan, Jackalope Krasken, Zander Paule (Team Two).
From the start of Round One, TheBlackCloud Oh was able to snatch up the flag with some difficulty after some contentious combat inside the arena. As combatants clashed across the desert, seemingly content to battle to the death rather than vie for the flag, TheBlackCloud was able to escape towards the north and the relative safety of the Barracks. There, Team One held their ground until finally the Barracks were beseiged and infiltrated. There, TheBlackCloud fell amidst gunfire and melee fighting. Surprisingly enough, however, the flag remained in her possession for some time – through ‘grace period’ and for a short time afterwards.
This success was cut short as Team 2’s Dassina Andel snatched the flag away and left TheBlackCloud dead. Escaping with the flag in hand, Dassina was able to evade capture until the round ended. Despite this, TheBlackCloud was ruled to have held the flag for a longer period of time, so the round was called for Team 1.
Team One’s Psycho Baroque again grabbed the flag at the beginning of round two, but fell early at the Barracks and was robbed of the flag by Dassina Andel once more. She evaded capture ’till the end of round two once again, however it was learned that Team 2 was carrying three rifles by the end of the round despite having been forewarned the limit was two.
Team 2 was therefore restricted to the use of no rifles whatsoever in round three. Early in the round, Robin Varriale was able to grab the flag and escape towards the north, yet sneaked back in to the arena shortly afterwards as fighting again broke out across the desert. Team 2 abruptly lost Zander Paule early in the round, who did not return to fight for his team for the rest of the game. Continued lack of support on the side of Team 2 caused member Dassina Andel to resign in protest. This combined with the ‘no rifle’ restriction, Team 1 prevented Team 2 from re-entering the arena almost entirely with the use of long-range weaponry, and Varialle was able to hold on to the flag until the end of the round.

Members of Team One were rewarded with a platter of medkits, bullets and crude weaponry for their success.

((Editor’s Note: The following corrections were submitted after the publication of this article: Boxerz Control was present at time of team muster and was called for Team 2. He was, however, absent by the end of round 1. Nad Warrior (for Team 1) was also absent by the end of Round 1. In Round 3, Kaycen Lament was unable to lend assistance due to a HUD problem, and did not rejoin gameplay for the remainder of the round.
War Zone is held in Hambone Slash every second and fourth Saturday of the month at 3PM SLT.))