The Season of Shelter has begun in the Wastelands. Withering’s end means the very worst is over, but still the frigid wind whips viciously across the land, seeming to find its way into everything. Thick-booted feet crunch on the sand; cloth and leather layers flap in the howling wind as the headstrong Humans run their rounds, frequent pauses made in homes and bars. The Manimals bristle their mangy fur, some even venturing into the inhabited areas for warmth, huddling in unattended doorways. Mutants bundle themselves in the skins of the slain and spend the long nights telling tales of past battles. Old bones creak as the Ghouls shamble about their business – perhaps a little slower, but unfeeling of the chill. None have yet told the tale of how the Botans spend the Shelter.
But there’s a bright spark of life and strength and pride among the Wastelanders — the Season of Shelter is when the settlement of the Wastelands was first established, and the anniversary of its founding is fast approaching.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Monday the 17th was the fourth anniversary of The Wastelands! There’s no way to pack that much partying into one weeknight, so the proper celebration will happen on the 22nd – 23rd (see below.) However, if you’re still looking for a party after this weekend’s events are over, the mercurial Doktor Giuseppe Spicoli can deliver! On Monday night, trek to the sands of Burnt Oak for an evening of unpredictable entertainment, beginning at 6pm SLT. Giu will DJ his unique array of musical oddities from the Boat House for at least an hour. Afterward, gather up on the roof of the Drive-In to catch a movie. This week’s selection is still unannounced – past films have been everything from cult comedies to so-bad-it’s-good retro abominations to insightful documentaries. No matter what your tastes are… odds are they’ll be challenged, in hilarious ways.
Wastelands Four-Ever!
After a long week of anticipation, the weekend will finally arrive – and with it, the Wastelands Fourth Birthday celebration! Four years is practically a geological epoch in SL Time, and such a big anniversary calls for an equally big party. An absolutely staggering set of events is lined up for the weekend – and the schedule is still in flux! But it’s already apparent that there will be non-stop music and events from 9am SLT through at least 8pm SLT on Saturday the 22nd. Movie Night becomes Movie Morning as Giuseppe Spicoli fires up the projector at 9am for “The Blood of Heroes,” AKA “Salute of the Jugger” — a story of post-apocalyptic sportsmen seeking victory for themselves and their home. Other events will include Cabeza Muerta in Cormac, Taunt the Mutant at the Great Fissure, Fight Night in Hambone Slash, Tireball (aka Car Soccer) at Burnt Oak, Radio Three Wastelands from the Junkyard Stage, and some good old fashioned Fisticuffs in the First Church of Gideon at North Yard.
Music will come courtesy of Sandling Honey, Wiseblood Wisent, Rance Alva, Giuseppe Spicoli, CickMy Lunt, RedZone, Diamanda Gustafson, Aki Shichiroji, and Gomi Mfume. The Homesteads do have a cap of 20 avatars, unfortunately – however, the DJ stream will be piped in so that nobody on a Homestead misses out on the tunes. Check the rough draft of the schedule at http://sl.area23.com/wl4th.ph to keep up with changes as they come. And if you want to participate, it’s surely not too late! Contact the other performers and/or make a post in this Forum thread to let everyone know what you’d like to do, where you want to do it, and when! As of this writing, Sunday is still wide open.
The Devs have also set up a slideshow display area in Hambone Slash for Wastelands residents to put up their own cycling collection of memories. Residents can go here for instructions on installing their own slideshows in this temporary gallery.
EVENTS HIGHLIGHTS: It’s been some time since the last “Weekly” Pulp, due to holidays and traveling and an assortment of other realworlderies, so allow me to skip ahead to last week. Monday’s Movie Night was the absolutely inscrutable “Survive Style 5+,” a 2004 Japanese film of bizarre plot lines that intertwine in unlikely ways. Impossible to generate a synopsis for, but visually engaging nevertheless.
Fight Night received a new twist on Saturday as Sandusky Kayvon was given the reins to run it for the night. A devilish gleam in his eyes, he set down a winding maze of metal walls and fences, causing the combatants to chase each other through narrow corridors and around nearly-unavoidable traps. While it was relatively easy to evade your opponent, it was nearly impossible to dodge their attacks once within range, leading to a vicious close-quarters combat style that saw many long fights – and many incredibly brief ones, as well. After a royal rumble for redemption and a four-man final, Lyoto Steamweaver took first place, Jordy Parkin came in second, and Aposiopesis Fullstop took third – receiving L$1000, L$500, and L$250, respectively.
Then, participants and spectators alike piled into the venerable old Bus to head to a bonus Movie Night- 1984’s campy comedy “The Ice Pirates.” Swashbuckling, princesses, fighting robots, time warps, and space herpes — what more could one want in a film? The only thing anyone could have wanted was more seating – the show quickly reached its 20-avatar cap.
Afterward, DJ Aposiopesis Fullstop hoisted her boom box once more to play a short set of randomness and retro from the Boat House.
Sunday’s session of Pathfinder: Curse of the Crimson Throne found our odd band of heroes walking the near-ruin of Old Korvosa, plagued by riots and scandal and an utter breakdown of rule. With one member of the party having assumed the mantle of Black Jack, Korvosa’s own caped crusader, justice was swiftly dealt to rowdy mobs, poor old peddler ladies were given platinum pieces, and general do-goodery abounded. But it’s all a drop in the bucket compared to the corruption that still runs rampant in the city…
ESTATE NEWS: NeoBokrug Elytis has hinted that he might consider adding more Homestead sims to the Wastelands Estate. It’s a tricky proposition, given that the rates LL demands for Homesteads is more than Neo himself thinks fair. However, if you’ve got a strong idea in mind, if you’re reliable enough to pay in advance and plan to stick around for at least a year, and if you can make sure to stick with the theme and not create a “personal playground bubble” that’s irrelevant to the rest of the Estate, write up your proposition and let Neo know! The full requirements can be found in this Forum thread.
On the other hand, Neo is still hoping to create a new coastal Estate sim! But, responsibly, he can’t possibly create a new Estate sim until and unless the other Estate plots are almost entirely filled up — and holding steady for a month or more. However, 2011 may just be the year the borders of The Wastelands expand a little further.
In other news, the Devs of The Wastelands have given some friendly advice to all Wastelanders, old and new, on how to handle selling and trade without causing confusion and anger on one or both parties. Sandusky has laid out some short and sweet guidelines here on the Forum, which I’ll reprint here:
- Trade WL: game items* via direct av-to-av transfer with those you trust.
- NEVER pay someone directly for game items.
- Only purchase game items with L$ if the seller rezzes the object and sets it for sale, or from one of the local markets (see Market Reports).
- Safeguard your knowledge of recipes, even within your own faction. Selling recipes is a bad business move [link added by me – AF] that will probably earn you the rage and distrust of three Wastelanders for every one ‘satisfied customer’
*Food, salvage, ammo, weapons
And, as always, if you have questions on gameplay, roleplay, land ownership, the Covenant/Rules of Conduct/Terms of Service, or if you just want some feedback, feel free to get in touch with a member of Road Patrol – currently Aposiopesis Fullstop and Sandling Honey – anytime!
RP NAME-DROPS: The Wastelands has seen a recent influx of outsiders – some still lurking at the periphery, some leaping right into the thick of things. This reporter is still keeping a cool eye on the situation to see who ends up sticking around long-term, but rumor says that one group is a tribe of Masheeners who have focused their culture around some kind of vehicle. Elsewhere, the Swamp Rat Trading Co. is open in Malady Bog for Wastelanders wishing to trade goods and tales (but probably preferably not tails.)