Fight Night took the form of a tournament style game this week.
Matches were as follows:
Round One
Combatants | Weapons | Map | Winner |
Remarks: Both fighters poisoned early from gas traps. Jasper’s speed led to reduced control, leading to frequent additional run-ins with mines and gas traps and an accelerated demise with minimal damage taken from Dassina’s pursuit.
Remarks: Fairly tight fighting had both fighters bleeding early in the match. This was a fairly long fight which saw no traps triggered and Aposiopesis fall first.
Remarks: Agustsa hit a mine early on approach towards Kittykat. Kittykat was poisoned numerous times while attacking Agustsa across a gas trap situated not far outside her cell. While combat did move away from that point, poison levels reached a critical mass and KittyKat was taken out after a relatively short match.
Remarks: A relatively clear map allowed both fighters to attack each other via hit and run tactics for a fair while without landing too much damage. When the map was switched about 8 mins in, Psycho switched tactics and pulled first a slugthrower, then a nailgun to attack his opponent from afar.
Remarks: Masaka wisely stuck near her cell door, baiting Jasper’s approach through numerous saw and gas traps. Taking the shortest – but most trap-ridden – route possible, Jasper reached his opponent severely wounded and fell from his injuries shortly afterward.
Remarks: Fairly long match mostly uninterrupted by traps. Nearer the end of the match, in an attempt to get at her opponent while Dassina equipped and reloaded a rifle, Oku ran in to a set of spikes, which took her down immediately.
Remarks: Agustsa was run in to a gas trap early on and was poisoned while fleeing Aposiopesis. Shortly afterward, he attempted a string of Hooper Gambits while intermittently taking swipes at Aposiopesis. He regained some health from healing gas but mostly became more poisoned in the process.
Remarks: Early fighting clustered mostly around Cell B (west) with fighters mostly avoiding traps until about two thirds of the way in to the match, when Psycho ran in to a gas trap and was poisoned, while KittyKat ran in to a second gas trap and was healed. Psycho was poisoned further in pursuit of his opponent and following a brief confrontation against the south wall, expired from his injuries.
Remarks: A tight match fought along the perpendicular lines spanning from each cell door. Masaka held her ground for some time against Virus’ aggressive push and slash tactics but nearer the end fled and accidentally ran in to a spike trap, taking her out of the match.
Final Round Placement :
Remarks: Last two standing were advanced to the final round.
Final Round:
Remarks: Virus and Dassina started off the match focused on each other for the most part. Virus was poisoned early on, but turned to confront Psycho in the south-western corner in melee combat. Turning and hiding in a pit for a while, Virus allowed Dassina and Psycho to face off, rifle to nailgun from across the arena. Dassina’s strategy to use a rifle proved superior as she took Psycho out fairly quickly. Not long afterward, Virus emerged from her pit only to have Dassina pick her off almost immediately, winning the match.
(( Fight Night runs every Saturday of the month at The Potato Farm, Hambone Slash, in The Wastelands, 3PM PDT. The above photo and other Wasteland event photos are available here – A.S.))