Community Meeting: May 4, 2024

Below is a short summary of the latest Community Meeting, followed by its chat logs – which have been gently edited for formatting, to put questions and answers in bold for easy skimming, and to omit greetings and farewells and other such asides.  Meetings are hosted by Estate owner NeoBokrug Elytis at 2:00 pm on the first Saturday of every month at The Potato Farm in The Wastelands, and the discussion is typically divided into three main topics: Estate, Game, and Roleplay & Events.  Everyone is welcome to attend!


➳ Occupancy is up slightly, though there’s still a lot of land available.  Conscript your friends!
➳ The quarterly parcel audit is coming up, to make sure prices are set properly.
➳ SL21B is coming up, starting on June 5. If anyone would like to volunteer to build an exhibit for The Wastelands, IM or email Neo!
➳ The Homestead remodels are still in the planning phase.
➳ Continue providing Neo any feedback about the new land ambiance.  It’s low on the priority list now, but he’s looking to improve it..
➳ Neo’s main focus is now on the Northgate Community Gateway, which needs to be wrapped up within a couple months.  If you have inworld creative skills and want to help, contact Neo ASAP!  He’ll provide a list of needed assets.


➳ April brought the return of Nests – which don’t spawn vertically anymore – which could be eaten or exchanged for painted collectible Revival Eggs from Scythejaw.
➳ Sandusky made a new Revival Egg for this year, and Neo updated Scythejaw’s exchange code so that only seven designs are offered each year. That way, the new egg would theoretically have a 1-in-7 chance of being offered, instead of 1-in-16.
➳ Northgate Zombies once again spawned in Burnt Oak during the week around The Red Revival!
➳ The Zombies have various known glitches; they haven’t been updated with the new pathfiding code that’s currently in the Miasmata.
➳ Miasma code also needs another update, one which will use the code Neo created to help place the sound emitters.
➳ There were several Miasmas that seemed to crash in Burnt Oak while zombies were spawning, but Neo suspects this was due to the region being full, not due to an issue with the Miasma code itself.
➳ Neo wants to test a basic skill system, possibly linked to crate scavenging.
➳ The playable race system is still in the works, and will be related to the skill system somehow.
➳ Aeg’s Potion Quest may return soon – and he still seeks new locations! If you’re a landowner and you’d like your location to be part of the task, see the relevant page of the Wiki for more details!


PROMAGEDDON, a fetid formal dance, returns to The Arena on Saturday, May 25!  Put together your most stunning scavenged ensemble for the costume contest, and pick a partner for the 2-vs-2 Fight Night!
➳ Thank you to everyone who performed for or participated in The Red Revival! Nobody chose to “heed The Call,” but it was still a ghoulishly good time.
➳ The night before, the Red Parade also wove its way around not only The Wastelands but also Caledon.
➳  Somewhat suspiciously, Zombies emerged in Burnt Oak after the Red Parade went through.  And several people went out to hunt them – including Ghouls…
Doktor Pileus will be moving on before the month ends, if anyone has last-minute business with him.
➳ Stock up on ammo now: Irk will host the Joon Buzzard Hunt soon!
➳ A very early notice that Pizza Day will take place sometime in July!
➳ If anyone wants to learn to DJ or host events, contact Neo or Apo!
➳ Reminder: The roleplay character template has been added to the Wiki – add yours today!  Or review it to see who’s who and get some ideas for interactions.

Weekly Event Summary:

(All Times SLT)


– Storytime with Wasteland Drifter – 2pm
– Gomi’s Garbo Cinematic Expulsion – 5pm

First Sunday: [RP] Readings by the Oracle – Noon


– Mutant Drum Circle – 6pm


– Film Night with Wasteland Drifter – 5pm




– Unstructured Playtime w/ Dia – 5pm
– Booze & Blather [RP Event] – 6pm


– Sandling’s Evening Madness – 1pm
– Apo’s Audio Atrocities – 5pm

First Saturday: Community Meeting – 2pm; Fight Night – 3pm

Second Saturday: Barrelhead Bazaar [RP Event] – 11am

Third Saturday: Wasted Raiders’ Raid – Noon

Occasional Saturdays at Neo’s Discretion:  Saturday Morning Cartoons / Saturday Morning Sci-Fi – 8am, Enjoying Other People’s Suffering – 3pm.

Want to host an event?  Let Neo know the event details by Wednesday night and he’ll add it to the weekly group announcements, Discord announcement, and Plurk feed!

If you want to keep in touch with other Wastelanders when you can


NeoBokrug Elytis: IT’S… TIME.
NeoBokrug Elytis: We’ll wait for some stragglers before we start…
NeoBokrug Elytis: As per the usual, we’ll discuss various aspects of the estate, with time for questions in between. Those aspects being The estate in general, the game, and an open-floor discussion for role-play and events. 🙂
NeoBokrug Elytis: Starting with occupancy, we’ve grown a little bit between last month and this month. But there’s certainly still a lot of yellow on the map.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Sorry to run late; bug care went a little sideways.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oh noes
NeoBokrug Elytis: I’ve been focusing a lot on other things these past months, and haven’t been promoting The Wastelands as well as I should. However, if anyone wants to help, I’m all for it. One thing most folks could do is tell their friends about us. Even if they don’t get land, hanging out here is just as good. :)
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): I hope they didn’t escape
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Only some of them. >_<
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): eeek!
Sketchkat Blackflag: been meaning to give some friends a tour guide tbh x3
Aposiopesis Fullstop: \o/
Sandling Honey: Eyooo!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): the SL birthday thing is coming up too, are we a part of that this year?
NeoBokrug Elytis: I have yet to do this years quarterly big audit on parcels. I made a new tool to help me specifically to help me with Caledon, and I plan to leverage that here too. It is far more accurate than my eyeballs.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Regarding our involvement with SL21B, I’ll have to delegate that to a small team of volunteers. I was hoping I could reach out to folks here to do that. If anyone is interested please IM me, or shoot me an email.
NeoBokrug Elytis: This years theme for SL21B is “elements”.
Sketchkat Blackflag: :o
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): ahhh!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: What are the dates for that?
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Well I’m up to helping if I can… *ponders a bit*
NeoBokrug Elytis: The deadline for applications is this month, I think it starts on June… 5th? Goes on for 4 or 6 weeks I think
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): wow
NeoBokrug Elytis: There’s not terribly much news with regard to estate things. I’m sure I am forgetting minor tweaks that I’m doing here and there all the time.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any questions about estate stuff or SL21B?
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): true Tora :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Did you already mention anything about the Homestead revamps?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Not yet, but that does remind me of something I told myself to remember for the meeting but forgot.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): oh lordy
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): You are not the only one Neo
NeoBokrug Elytis: We have a few months to complete Northgate or we don’t get it. So I will be pressuring people for help. I can limp along with off the shelf decor, but I assure you until it is done, my full attention will be there once I complete a region revamp in Caledon.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Do you have a list of things that need to be made?
Sketchkat Blackflag: which sim is that near? and yeah :3
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): you’re needing help from people who know scripting a whole lot better than i do, right? :-P
NeoBokrug Elytis: List of things: Yes, but contact me.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i will :-)
NeoBokrug Elytis: For those not in the know; Northgate us a user orientation island, where folks can sign up for Second Life, and land at our HUB instead of SL default.
Sketchkat Blackflag: ahh, gotcha ^^
Sketchkat Blackflag: my mind was thinking of North Yard :P my bad
NeoBokrug Elytis: If you’ve got inworld creative skills and you’d like to help, let me know.
NeoBokrug Elytis: The region is 3 regions north of Burnt Oak.
Sketchkat Blackflag: ah :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: Has been since mid-pandemic. We were working on it for a long time, but then the pandemic happened. Then I took over Caledon, and I have not been giving it the attention it deserves.
NeoBokrug Elytis: But I have been super helpful at the meetings. :P
Sketchkat Blackflag: ohh~ x3
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any other questions about anything so far?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Movin’ on to game stuff!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Not so much a question as a comment, that the ambiance still sounds pretty loud.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: But that’s gonna be a low priority, I know.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Okay, in which region?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Because some have had tweaks, while others have not.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: The Wastelands particularly, to me. And in The Junkyard, sometimes it stutters for no clear reason, even when you’re on estate land.
NeoBokrug Elytis: And I’ve been asking for feedback, and no one has answered. :)
NeoBokrug Elytis: But the swamps are okay now?
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i have to admit, i’ve found it a bit loud when i’m all about in my parcels in the wasteland sim
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): they are a bit boggy :P
NeoBokrug Elytis: Okay, I will tweak them in the not swamp ones.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i love it, don’t get me wrong. it’s delifiously creepy
NeoBokrug Elytis: When I can.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): *deliciously…
Sketchkat Blackflag: I quite like it, but then previous to the noise I had a youtube video for desert ambience x3
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It could use a lot more subtlety in general, but that may also be down to the sound selections, too. It’s a work in progress, I know.
Sketchkat Blackflag nods :3
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): oh yah, and at 3am, it seriously gives me chills!! :-D
NeoBokrug Elytis: I hope to find something nice in time. Right now is a lot of experimentation to see what works.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Moving on to game stuff.


NeoBokrug Elytis: Last month was the start of the Season of Revival, bringing two things to us…
NeoBokrug Elytis: EGGS / Scythejaws painted eggs, and the zombies from Northgate
Aposiopesis Fullstop: \o/
NeoBokrug Elytis: I want to thank Sandusky for this year (and previous years eggs, that make all this possible.
Sketchkat Blackflag: eggiesss ♥
NeoBokrug Elytis: I hope that you all enjoyed it.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): hell yah!!!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Yeah, thanks, Sandusky! This year’s in particular is really neat.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I did change how eggs are distributed now, since we have a large collection over the year. Basically I’ll include any new ones, plus a random selection of old ones. This ensures the new ones have a good chance at being got, and giving dips into previous years.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): thanks sandusky! it really was fun, and i played with my food afterward! i’ve got gg sculptures started!
NeoBokrug Elytis: I fixed the nest rotations too, so they’re not on their sides. :)
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha, no longer being laid by inexplicable vertibirds.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): HAHAHA!!!!!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): dyin! vertibirds!!!!
Sketchkat Blackflag: XD
Aposiopesis Fullstop: The zombies are…. glitchy. But hunting them was still fun. (And somewhat therapeutic, ICly. :V )
Storm Thunders: hey, raptors poop sideways, why not?
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Haha!
NeoBokrug Elytis: The zombies ARE glitchy, they are old and in need of the updates I put into the misasmas.
Irk (shannonwilsonbell): <3 the zombies
NeoBokrug Elytis: Which, are doing their jobs well really. They need yet another update, ironically a chunk of logic from the region-wide sound emitter placer tool I made.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooh.
NeoBokrug Elytis: There were a few crashed misasmas, and I think it had to do with the region being full on prims.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Because of the zombies.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Grr! Argh!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Brains!
Sketchkat Blackflag: oof xD
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think that is about it for game updates. I’ve had a lot of time to think in the showers. I want to try a basic skill system test. I may relate it to picking up crates, just for the test. I don’t think it’ll take much to deploy.
Sketchkat Blackflag: ah :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Iiiiinteresting…
Sandling Honey: Thankeees :D
NeoBokrug Elytis: Since the logic for that will never be in the HUD directly, I won’t have to worry about memory constraints.
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): shower time is good thinking time
NeoBokrug Elytis: Haha it really is.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Is the Race-based system still in the works?
NeoBokrug Elytis: Yes, it relates to that.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oho.
NeoBokrug Elytis: I think that is about it this month for game stuff.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Any other questions?


 NeoBokrug Elytis: Okay! We’ll have an open floor for Role Play and Events discussion! I know a lot has been going on, and I am sure a lot more is coming up, so go for it!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: First up, thanks to everyone who came to the Red Revival or performed for it! Hopefully it was a good time!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: (Also the Red Parade the night before. :V )
Tristan Kuramoto: ya that was fun :D
Tristan Kuramoto: tbh that was my first one
Irk (shannonwilsonbell): The parade is one of my favorite WL Events
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Awww, hooray! :D
Tristan Kuramoto: actualy got to attend
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Looks like next year’s will be on April 19!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: But coming up at the end of THIS month…. May 25 is PROMAGEDDON, The Wastelands’ answer to prom! Bust out your filthy formalwear and dance all day at a disgustingly decked-out Arena. Wasted Karaoke likely to go down at the end of it all. :V
Tristan Kuramoto: woo
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Storm Thunders: woo!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: There’ll also be a “couples only” Fight Night of 2 vs 2 matches! So pick yourselves an arbitrary partner, with whom to engage in partner violence. :V
Irk (shannonwilsonbell): The Joon Buzzard Hunt is coming up. Still plenty of time to get mad at them.
NeoBokrug Elytis: Oh boy!
Tristan Kuramoto: ha
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Oooh!
Sketchkat Blackflag: oh that soon came round xD wow
Aposiopesis Fullstop: RP-wise, a small bunch of us went on a field trip from Booze & Blather and dispatched several Zombies, the week before last. And it seems even Doktor Pileus took a few down! But Malice seems to still be in a hunting mood, himself, so…. good luck. :V
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Dok P is likely to be shambling along before the month is out, so if anyone’s still wanting to be mad at HIM this year, best hurry. ;)
Storm Thunders: If you do, loot him for pamflets!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha!
Sandling Honey: Thankee Mutsy! :D
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): your welcome! :D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: In terms of other events, after Promageddon ends, I’ve got zilch on my own slate until July – and that’s just PIZZA DAY, the laziest event ever. But if anyone else has an idea for something, and wants some help making it happen, I’d be glad to provide whatever support it might need!
NeoBokrug Elytis: As a reminder we have the collection of characters here
NeoBokrug Elytis: If you ever want to interact with anyone “blindly”, you can usually find a little profile about them there with a few hooks to start a conversation with. And if you want to add your character there, instructions how how to are there as well.
Ϯ ℳαץσ ⑬ Ϯ (myotis.draconia): we have to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Tomorrow.
Aposiopesis Fullstop: I really dig that section. It’s fun to read about everyone. :D
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): ooh, i did NOT know that was there! coolios!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa) tired to have a pizza day today but overcooked her pizza ;_;
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Nuuuu!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): tried*
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): I still ate it, it was a bit hard :V
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): new microwave is heck powerful
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hah, nice!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It’s not really a particularly eventy event, but today is Free Comic Book Day – and also Star Wars Day! So my set tonight will be particularly geek-themed – and will be at Sam’s place, so you can pick up her Wastelands comics, if you haven’t yet. (Maybe also Scrim’s! )
Sandling Honey: Thankees :D
Irk (shannonwilsonbell): Woo!
Sketchkat Blackflag: ooh neat :D
Sketchkat Blackflag: I got halfway there kinda xD
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha!
Grande Taco For Humor: mmmm taco
NeoBokrug Elytis: If anyone wants to host an event, just let me know; I’ll make sure it gets in to the announcements. If anyone wants to learn how to host an event, you can bug me or Apo. :)
Sandling Honey: \ o /
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): sketch, i bow to your ingenuity. you have achieved a spectacular balance with your outfit! and thanks for the taco!
Sketchkat Blackflag: \o/
Sketchkat Blackflag: thankies xD
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): TACOS! TACOS! TACOS! GIVE ME YOUR TACOS!!! >:D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: And I’ve also got a notecard about how to do so. It’s still being reviewed, so I haven’t released it widely yet – but if you’d like to give something a go, or just see if it makes a lick of sense – lemme know and I’ll drop it on you!
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): i’d love to see it, hon.!
Aposiopesis Fullstop: It’s specifically about DJing, though, but has some info in there on more general event-wranglin’.
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): can you imagine what kind of dj set i’d do??? let me at it! X-D
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahaha!
Sketchkat Blackflag: :P~
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): Tacos
Storm Thunders: The Hora de Tora!
Beasil (beasil.roundfield): Yes dewit
Aposiopesis Fullstop: Hahahaha!
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
NeoBokrug Elytis: Not a very big meeting today, which in some regards is kind of a relief. :)
Tora the Explorer (toraonna.thane): THAT’S WHAT I’LL CALL IT!!!!
Mutsumi (mutsy.kaligawa): it’ll be awesome
NeoBokrug Elytis: Thanks for coming out everyone, and thanks for the tunes Sandling!