Category: Roleplay

The Weekly Pulp (02-22-10)

UPCOMING EVENTS: The second informational session for NeoBokrug Elytis’ Pathfinder pen-and-paper roleplaying group was delayed, and will now take place this coming Saturday from 10am…

The Weekly Pulp (2-14-10)

UPCOMING EVENTS: Do you like Dungeons & Dragons, but lack people in your area to play with?  Have you always wanted to give it a…

The Weekly Pulp (02-07-10)

There have been many interesting announcements this week in The Wastelands, so I’ll get right to it: UPCOMING EVENTS: Once again, this coming Saturday will…

The Weekly Pulp (1-31-10)

We’re now one week in to The Wastelands’ third year, and what a week it was.  Ahead are this week’s highlights of events, estate news,…

Bloodmoss Exodus

((Editor’s Note:  This story will take a bit of imagination on everyone’s part to swallow, but it will stand as the “official” RP explanation for…