The slow and steady development of Version 2 presses onward. Understandably, progress is not readily apparent to most. Many mark its status only by public displays or tests of the game system: the HUD, mobs, and new weapons. If you think that’s all there is to Version 2, you’d be mistaken. Already, each developer has volunteered time and energy towards some task related to version 2 and continue to do so when it fits into their busy schedule.
NeoBokrug Elytis continues plugging away and fine-tuning the artificial intelligence of our mobs and the mechanics of the game and combat system while still managing the estate and version 1 issues as they arise. Spider Mandala now stands as our primary Theme and RP consultant, having spent much time evaluating our past and growth to write Theme Guidelines for each sim in addition to Encyclopedias for Roleplay, Races, and Beasts in anticipation of version 2. Currently, Spider is working on salvage and game equiment for krushers and masheneers, armor, and the first MOBs. Makaio Stygian envisions and schemes a deadlier and more complex Potato Farm for our Fight Nights of the future in addition to other interactive community features for Hambone Slash.
Gutterblood Spoonhammer developed weapon animations, salvage, and unique starter outfits and tools for version 2 skill classes and now creates new versions of our past weapons (in addition to completely new ones) plus infrastructure/landscaping improvements for the residential sims. Ash Garden recently acquired the Rot Barren from Gutterblood and simply schemes, in her words…”I plan horror”. Consider yourself warned… Sandling Honey is organizing a central in-world reference/resource outlet for RP Group information (an in-world notice was sent some time ago but with little response) while outlining RP plans and quests tying into version 2 to build upon plot threads in his past event. Meanwhile, I’m crafting salvage and game tools for the Deadeye skills, plotting out a few RP Quests related to version 2, and sketching ideas for additional development in Cormac for the upcoming update.
Despite the above tasks and developments in progress, there’s still more up our sleeves and rattling around in our heads and prims and scripts…but if I told you everything, it would ruin the delightful and sinister surprises in store for the community. Although some of the aforementioned projects will still be in development, the Wastelands Devs can tell you, that for Christmas, Version 2 should release with at least a dozen MOBs, and all four skill-classes fully realized to about the 50% or 75% mark.
We know the masses are hungry, so there’s something to chew on as dinner time approaches. Ration and chew your food slowly, scavengers! In case you forgot, resources are rare in the post-apocalypse.