Fight Night – March 13, 2010

Fight Night March 13 2010

Finalists Sandusky Kayvon (2), CCindy Pfeffer (1), Dassina Andel (3)

Fighters were pitted against each other via the classic tournament system this week and matches were as follows:

Round One:

Combatants Weapons Map Winner
CCindy Pfeffer Crowbill
KittyKat Borkotron Crowbill
One Sided CCindy Pfeffer

Remarks: CCindy received saw damage early on, with added saw, spike and poison damage soon aftwerward in an attempt to evade KittyKat, who also received her share of saw and poison damage. Despite this, both fighters held on and sparred for a considerable amount of time, until KittyKat strayed in to a spike trap and was finally taken out.

Aposiopesis Fullstop Flayer
VoidTraveller Seetan Flayer
Battlechess VoidTraveller Seetan

Remarks: Combatants struggled to keep their footing continuously on this pit-ridden map, hacking away at each other at a furious pace for an extended period of time. Aposiopesis fell in a final confrontation with VoidTraveller in a pit.

Rohan Bilavio Flayer
Moondoggie Iger Flayer
Eye of the Storm MoonDoggie Iger

Remarks: Both fighters evaded the plethora of traps early on by traversing along the edges of the arena, meeting near the cell door between them.  Immediately after that, Moondoggie pinned her opponent to a corner, where the fight was bloody and short, leaving Rohan behind on the arena floor and Moondoggie victorious.

Dassina Andel Flayer
Sandusky Kayvon Crowbill
Vietnam Dassina Andel

Remarks: This fast paced match saw Sandusky receiving poison damage, as Dassina took on bleed damage of her own early from a saw. Nevertheless, the two fighters continued, making running passes at each other as they ran the length and breadth of the map.  Both took on considerable damage, but Sandusky finally fell after one last skirmish pushed him in to a gas trap.

Redemption Round:

Kittykat Borkotron Crowbill
Aposiopesis Fullstop Flayer
Shark Attack Aposiopesis Fullstop

Remarks: While KittyKat demonstrated awkwardness in avoiding traps in this round, accumulating multiple saw and poison damage, Aposiopesis was able to avoid most traps and set after her opponent with determined viciousness.  A combination of additional poison and damage from Aposiopesis’ flayer brought down Kittykat in short order.

Rohan Bilavio Flayer
Sandusky Kayvon Flayer
Shark Attack
Sandusky Kayvon

Remarks: A brash and fast-footed Rohan confronted cautious and calculating Sandusky, finding it necessary to attempt the Hooper Gambit multiple times in order to prolong his lifeas he received multiple damage from saws, poison, and Sandusky’s flayer blade.

Aposiopesis Fullstop Flayer
Sandusky Kayvon Flayer
The Gap Sandusky Kayvon

Remarks: Both fighters were able to avoid most traps for the duration of the fight until Aposiopesis walked in to a spike trap during a run at her opponent. Closer to the end of the battle, she sustained a second hit by spike damage, as Sandusky continued a barrage of flayer swings, eventually taking her down.

Round Two:

CCindy Pfeffer Crowbill
VoidTraveller Seetan Flayer
Saw Edge
CCindy Pfeffer

Remarks: Both CCindy and VoidTraveller ended up using the open space in the middle of the court to their advantage, abandoning caution and lunging at each other with incredible speed. Despite this, however, the fight drew on until such time that radioactive bombs were thrown in the arena as the two fought, both taking on damage, but VoidTraveller falling first.

Moondoggie Iger Flayer
Dassina Andel Flayer, Nailgun
Squaredance Dassina Andel

Remarks: Again, a sparsely trapped arena – Dassina managed to hit a corner spike trap while being chased, however both fighters were mostly able to lunge and attack each other unimpeded. Dassina ran in to spikes twice more before switching to a nail gun, seeing Moondoggie run in to a spike, and eventually falling, allowing Dassina to progress to the final round.

Final Round:

Dassina Andel Flayer, Nailgun
CCindy Pfeffer Crowbill
Sandusky Kayvon Flayer, Ripper pistol, Flayer

Remarks: Dassina hit spikes early on during her initial lunge at Sandusky. Switching to a nailgun quickly, she attempted to take down her first opponent quickly, as she had with Moondoggie in the previous match. In response, Sandusky pulled a ripper pistol for a short time, while CCindy made a rush at Dassina as well, taking on spike damage in the process.  Meanwhile, having switched back to flayer, Sandusky attacked the wounded CCindy, who fled, then turned to take down Dassina in a corner.  CCindy returned to chase down Sandusky, who ran in to a spike while avoiding pursuit, and finally took him down with her crowbill.

(( Fight Night runs every Saturday of the month at The Potato Farm, Hambone Slash, in The Wastelands, 3PM PDT. The above photo and other Wasteland event photos are available here – A.S.))