Fight Night – March 27, 2010

The winning team for Fight Night: (l to r) KittyKat Borkotron, theblackcloud Oh, Moondoggie Iger
The winning team for Fight Night: (l to r) KittyKat Borkotron, theblackcloud Oh, Moondoggie Iger

Fighters hoping for a tussle were disappointed last week (March 20th) as Fight Night was cancelled due to low attendance.  Nonetheless, enough scavengers were gathered for everyone’s entertainment on the 27th to hold Fight Night between 2 teams of opponents for a Best Out Of Five Battles.  The teams of scavengers were as follows:

Team One:
Moondoggie Iger, KittyKat Borkotron, theblackcloud Oh

Team Two:
Aki Shichiroji, ell Keneinan, Aposiopesis Fullstop

Team One gathered in Cell D while Team Two assembled in Cell B, awaiting the buzzer…

The First Battle (Tron)
The fighters swarmed out of the cells upon the Tron arena tiles and quickly engaged each other in fierce combat.  Aposiposes and ell quickly were the first casualties at the end of an intense and close-quartered pit fight between several members of both teams.  Left alone, Aki evaded and fought the other team as best she could but also dropped from her wounds in one of the corners, handing the first battle’s victory to Team One.

The Second Battle (blunt)
KittyKat and ell were the first victims in this battle upon the arena floor tile arrangement named “blunt”.  The fighting remained evenly matched for some time until Aposiopesis fell and Aki hit a landmine, taking her out and ending the battle.  Team One acquired their second victory and a definite advantage over Team Two.

The Third Battle (Spiderweb)
This was it for Team Two as the two sides prepared to enter the Spiderweb.  They had to win this fight to stay in the game or else it was over.  The buzzer sounded and the eager combatants rushed out with Team One eager to finish things off.  Geysers of poisonous and healing gas shot out from traps as well as the dreaded spikes.  Soon enough, Team One found their hopes for a quick victory spoiled when KittyKat and theblackcloud fell in combat.  Team Two suffered a casualty also when ell was defeated, but Aposiposes and Aki continued stalking Moondoggie around the deadly arena.  The evasive survivor of Team One was finally defeated though and Team Two secured the win they needed.

The Fourth Battle (Minefield)

The fourth battle saw the two teams of opponents chase each other thru the explosive Minefield.  Only those with a surefoot and well placed steps would dare to run rampant through this arena.  The mine traps quickly fired off under the feet of both teams throughout the battle.  Apo was the first to fall followed by ell, once again leaving Aki with unfavorable odds as she evaded Team One’s deadly pursuit.  The Press Editor lasted longer than most expected, hoping to whittle down the other team and she almost succeeded since Team One finally lost one of their number, theblackcloud Oh, to the fighting and the fires.  In the end, Aki was unable to survive and Team One secured their claim to victory for this Fight Night.

(( Fight Night runs every Saturday of the month at The Potato Farm, Hambone Slash, in The Wastelands, 3PM PDT. The above photo and other Wasteland event photos are available here – S.K.))