This week, Dragnar Drake, Paytrok Ghost, Pirate Graves, Agustsa Jun, Psycho Baroque, Aposiopesis Fullstop, VoidTraveller Seetan and newcomer Clarington MacIntyre converged upon the Potato Farm…
It started as a quiet sundown in the Junkyard. I was running, looking for salvage, when I noticed a small group gathered around the old…
((Dev Note: The following story describes how the Old Man, Gill, is in charge of the only currently functional salvage machine in the Wastelands estate. …
If a scavenger kicked a rock from the Fissure’s edge or knocked a loose metal panel from a swamp catwalk, these objects would drop into…
Attracting numerous fighters for the first Warzone in two months, two teams were formed, consisting of Paytok Ghost, Psycho Baroque, Gutterblood Spoonhammer and Todd Sage…