Market Report (Jan 20 2010)

Cold winds whistled round the desert, sending sand flying as I trudged the familiar routes of our territory, keeping a low profile after a long…

Fight Night, December 12, 2009

Malice Shepherd (1), Paytrok Ghost (2) and Sandusky Kayvon (3), this week’s finalists. Fighters were pitted against each other under the classical tournament system this…

War Zone – Dec 5, 2009

Team Two – Paytrok Ghost, Aposiopesis Fullstop, Malice Shepherd Team 1 Team 2 Jaster Berkmans VladDrac Munster VoidTraveller Seetan Aposiopesis Fullstop Malice Shepherd Paytrok Ghost…

Fight Night – Nov 28, 2009

The Post-Apocalyptic Press is currently digging into their pile of Fight Night and War Zone notes that were scattered about during the last couple of…

The Weekly Pulp (01-17-10)

Allo, Wastelanders! Apo here with a new feature for the Press: a brief weekly roundup of current and upcoming happenings in The Wastelands, which we’re…