Cold winds whistled round the desert, sending sand flying as I trudged the familiar routes of our territory, keeping a low profile after a long…
Malice Shepherd (1), Paytrok Ghost (2) and Sandusky Kayvon (3), this week’s finalists. Fighters were pitted against each other under the classical tournament system this…
Team Two – Paytrok Ghost, Aposiopesis Fullstop, Malice Shepherd Team 1 Team 2 Jaster Berkmans VladDrac Munster VoidTraveller Seetan Aposiopesis Fullstop Malice Shepherd Paytrok Ghost…
The Post-Apocalyptic Press is currently digging into their pile of Fight Night and War Zone notes that were scattered about during the last couple of…
Allo, Wastelanders! Apo here with a new feature for the Press: a brief weekly roundup of current and upcoming happenings in The Wastelands, which we’re…