Tag: War Zone

Press uncovers video-camera, releases footage of recent Warzone

Staff at the Post-Apocalyptic Press came about an odd piece of equipment just over a week and a half ago, hidden underneath a bit of…

Chasing Victory

Last week’s Warzone found Aposiopesis Fullstop, Agustsa Jun and Psycho Baroque (Team One) pitted against TheBlackCloud Oh, Malice Shepherd and Paytok Ghost (Team Two) in…

Teams pitted in five round Fight Night

A low number of participants this week led the Tin Man to co-opt the event towards Fight Night. A record low of four competitors were…

Warzone Hat Trick

Warzone this Saturday got off to a late start due to unforeseen difficulties, however once it was in progress, it was no less entertaining. Teams…

A Chain Is Only as Strong as its Weakest Link

Monofio Pinion, Nad Warrior, Pirate Graves, Psycho Baroque, Robin Varialle, Merk Thor and TheBlackCloud Oh emerged victorious this week at WarZone as the result of…